2023-04-24 Major solar storm

1) An Earth Day newsletter from Dr. Meg Sears Earth Day Hope Hope is a verb with its sleeves rolled up … so we offer you some timely actions https://mailchi.mp/preventcancernow/earth-day-hope 2) Events such as this could bring down the power grid for months. Also worrisome is the potential effect on satellites resulting in loss of … Continue reading 2023-04-24 Major solar storm

2023-04-18 TIME SENSITIVE: Reply Comments to the FCC – Sign-ons Due April 19th at 3 PM EST

1) URGENT: Please see time-sensitive info below in Letters. Hopefully, you will consider signing on. 2) This article expands on the third report by Hardell and Nilsson I shared in last night’s update about the effects of 5G on healthy people. Industry and ‘health’ authorities don’t seem to care about the potential dangers of this … Continue reading 2023-04-18 TIME SENSITIVE: Reply Comments to the FCC – Sign-ons Due April 19th at 3 PM EST

2023-04-14 Our infrastructure is under attack

1) Remember when former US  CIA Director James Woolsey warned about the smart grid being vulnerable, that it could result in our return to the “Dark Ages”?  https://www.offthegridnews.com/grid-threats/former-cia-director-warns-two-thirds-of-us-population-would-die-from-emp-attack/ (click on photos to enlarge) Russia-linked cyberattacks on Canada are growing. Here’s what we know “He said that the cyber activity is frequently directed at critical infrastructure … Continue reading 2023-04-14 Our infrastructure is under attack


2023-04-01 – No Newsletter 2023-04-02 – No Newsletter 2023-04-03 –  ISED accepts Rogers’ deception 2023-04-04 –  Engineering fixes for a safer cell phone 2023-04-05 –  FCC ignoring court order to review/justify RF guidelines 2023-04-06 –  Word is spreading re cell towers near/on schools 2023-04-07 –  Videos of Phonegate presentations 2023-04-08 – No Newsletter 2023-04-09 – … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2023-04 APR

2023-03-30 Microwave Radiation and disappearing amphibians

1) From Dr. Louis Slesin, of Microwave News. Experts in various relevant fields believe that pulsed EMF could be the cause of the various symptoms called Havana Syndrome. Perhaps this will lead to the governments taking microwave radiation’s proven biological effects on the general public, especially children, more seriously. (click on photo to enlarge) Pulsed … Continue reading 2023-03-30 Microwave Radiation and disappearing amphibians

2023-03-17 Several interesting/important webinars

In my March 15 update, the link to the very important letter regarding the Salt Spring Island battle with Rogers didn’t work. I am sorry about that. Because it has so much important information, I am providing again. Better late than never…. https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Team-CROC-e-mail-re-SSILTC-instructs-Rogers-to-back-down-from-cell-tower-site-for-THIRD-time-March-14-2023.pdf 1) Another short notice item. Not EMF-related, but another example of David … Continue reading 2023-03-17 Several interesting/important webinars