2018-04-14 Children suffering psychologically due to wireless gadgets

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – ACTPA Australian Capital Territory Principals Association (Liz Bobos) – Addiction (Dopamine) – Anmore Petition to Adrian Dix, John Horgan, John McEvan, Michelle Mungall, Rick Glumac re Above Ground Transmission Power Lines – Anxiety – Australian Centre for Education in Sleep (Sarah Blunden) – BC Hydro Misinformation … Continue reading 2018-04-14 Children suffering psychologically due to wireless gadgets

2018-03-24 Judge in Pennsylvania acknowledges something about smeters is affecting health

[Analogs – Bees – Bell – Cell Phones – CGI – Christel Martin Letters to Carol Bellringer & Paul Wieringa re BC Hydro Smart Meter Program & Opt-out Fees – Ciena – Costs – Cynthia Randall – Darlene D. Heep – Disability – Doctor Andrew Salner, Hartford Hospital Cancer Institute – Edward Lanza – EHS … Continue reading 2018-03-24 Judge in Pennsylvania acknowledges something about smeters is affecting health

2017-11- 17 In California several lawsuits claiming smeters caused fires.

[Arcing – BC Hydro – Benefits – CPUC – Crow’s Nest Cafe – Doctor Sanjay Gupta, CNN re EHS – Electrical Panel – Fibre Optics – General Electric – Health – Itron – Landis+Gyr – Lawsuits by Insurance Companies (CSAA Insurance Exchange & John Garcia | IDS Property Casualty Insurance Company & Enrique & Maricela … Continue reading 2017-11- 17 In California several lawsuits claiming smeters caused fires.


2017-11-01 – We need independent review of smeter program, just like the one done for Site C 2017-11-02 – We may have to go around the NDP, to the Greens, for help with the smeter program. 2017-11-03 – Gov. General Payette wants to shut down bogus “science”. 2017-11-04 – BCUC recommending time-of-use billing to reduce … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2017-11 NOV

2017-02-15 World renowned Italian institute confirms results of National Toxicology Program

[Animals – Antennas – Anthony Miller – Birds Canada – Blue Light – Brain Tumors – Cancer – CEMBF – Cesare Maltoni – Cell Phones – Children with Cancer – Dariusz Leszczynski – Doctor – EMF – EMR – Environment – Fiorella Belpoggi – Forum of Jerusalem – Health – Heart Tumors – Hebrew University … Continue reading 2017-02-15 World renowned Italian institute confirms results of National Toxicology Program