2017-04-13 Resistance to microcells growing in California

[Andrew Weaver, BC Green Party – BC Ferries Wi-Fi – BC Hydro – Blue Light Eye Glasses – Cell Towers – Christy Clark – EMF – FCC Bans Use of Cell Phones on Airplanes – Freedom Mobile – John Horgan – RF – Small Cells / Microcells Public Right of Ways Sitings – Smart TVs Privacy / Security – Sonia Furstenau | Langford, BC – Santa Cruz, California, USA] & (video)

1)     In California, the resistance to the microcells is growing. The County of Santa Cruz is opposing a proposed law that would take significant power from municipalities.

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2)    Be aware that Samsung is not the only “dumb” TV that can be remotely controlled to invade your privacy.

Researcher: 90% Of ‘Smart’ TVs Can Be Compromised Remotely


3)    From a member re. blue light and Wi-Fi on BC Ferries. Many people who are sensitive cannot enjoy a ferry ride from the islands. Now, the plans are to increase Wi-Fi in the waiting areas for those walking on. Why is this needed? Will there be a separate area for those who cannot or do not want to be exposed to Wi-Fi?

“Spoke with my ophthalmologist the other day re sunglasses in general and blue light in particular.  Her recommendation is the “colour” FL-41, basically a brown orange, as the best to deal with blue light.  The amount of filtering would of course depend on the use.  It appear 35% helps reduce light induced migraines which would probably be good for indoor use on a computer (how much of people’s “headaches” on a computer and TVs etc are not radiation induced but light induced).

Noticed the just released BC Lib platform includes $1 million to downgrade BC Ferries waiting rooms with more Wi-Fi. A letter (more effective than an email) to their headquarters may help block this plan.

If each time a politician promotes the use of wireless they received many letters of protests, we might be able to create a “Pavlov’s dog” type reaction on their part to anything wireless.  When I write to BCFerries re wireless, I usually suggest if they really need to provide wireless to limit it to the business lounge where they can charge people for the use of it, the radiation is limited to a small area of the ship, and will be easier and cheaper to install – the same practice could be used in the waiting room.  It is interesting to note they do not have Wi-Fi in the crew’s quarters.”

4)    Freedom Mobile has submitted an application to Langford City Council for a new cell tower in the downtown area very near apartments and homes. Langford Council has a very weak policy and now is asking for more time to allow residents to respond. I think it is wonderful that everyone who was asked to allow the tower on their property refused. Word is getting around!!  People in Langford need to organize. Flyers should be available from C4ST  http://c4st.org/

Langford cell tower proposal triggers larger debate

“Verigin noted BC Hydro has strict criteria on which poles can be used by telecommunication companies, including limiting one company to each. “Of the poles that fit that criteria (in this area), there are no poles available,” she said.

The proposed site was the seventh considered by the company, she added, but no agreement could be reached with any of the other property owners. “Unfortunately, there are no roof tops available, so we’ve had to default to this last option,” she said, adding, “we have made an effort to reduce visibility.”


5)    US FCC bans cell phone usage during flight. No reason given but a victory in the battle to reduce the level of EMR in these Faraday cages.

The FCC is reversing its proposal to allow cellphone use on planes



I don’t want the updates to become a political platform for any of the parties. The only reason I shared the email last night was to encourage people to speak with solicitors and candidates about the issues re. Wi-Fi, smeters and microcells and RF dangers in general. Prior statements by Andrew Weaver, which I have shared, raises concern for me about his willingness to re-consider the dangers of RF, but in the interest of fairness, I am sharing one last email, as requested by a member.  We need to vote in MLAs who will demand that the real information be provided to the public about RF, Wi-Fi in schools and smeters.

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“On the story about the two Green Party members who came to your door. We know and have been to our Green Party Rep’s community meetings. She (Sonia Furstenau) is informed and well aware of the EMF/Smart meter issues. We will be voting Green as we feel confident she is taking this issue seriously. Please forward this on as I think Andrew Weaver will start taking this issue seriously as well. As far as I know, it’s our best option  – Clark is promising more wifi, Horgan is a fence rider and has done nothing re. listening to issues over the last three years regarding Smeters. I am focusing on educating the Greens as I feel it is our best option.”


Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“A politician thinks of the next election. A leader thinks of the next generation.”
~ Bernie Sanders

Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation