2022-01-15 Emergency helicopters could be grounded due to 5G interference

1) Many emergency, law enforcement, commercial and other helicopters could be grounded due to the interference that 5G is known to cause with radar altimeters. The question we should demand politicians ask is: why is this happening? The reason for 5G is supposed cell service. Does this justify putting lives at risk and/or shutting down … Continue reading 2022-01-15 Emergency helicopters could be grounded due to 5G interference

2021-11-10 A DE meter to consider

1) With regard to the item in the other night’s update [3) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-11-08-more-on-change-loss-of-911-service/] about pets being as susceptible to EMF as we are, a member who is a Building Biologist shared the important information below. At night, we turn the electricity off at the panel for all the rooms adjacent to our bedroom, including the … Continue reading 2021-11-10 A DE meter to consider