1) Each whale contributes mightily toward fighting climate change by reducing carbon levels and increasing oxygen, even more than giant trees. “Smart” oceans not only will endanger these magnificent animals and all other marine life but will also exacerbate climate change.
Solstice 2021: Whales And Collective Consciousness Vs. “Smart” Oceans, Internet Of Underwater Things, And Annihilation By Technology
Smart Oceans and The Internet of Underwater Things Are Already Hurtling Ahead, with No Speed Limits, Life Vests, or Lifeboats. Consequences Are Already Obvious. Sonar Harms Whales.
“The Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is an emerging communication ecosystem developed for connecting underwater objects in maritime and underwater environments. The IoUT technology is intricately linked with intelligent boats and ships, smart shores and oceans, automatic marine transportations, positioning and navigation, underwater exploration, disaster prediction and prevention, as well as with intelligent monitoring and security. The IoUT has an influence at various scales ranging from a small scientific observatory, to a midsized harbor, and to covering global oceanic trade. [ ] Our hope is to inspire researchers, engineers, data scientists, and governmental bodies to further progress the field, to develop new tools and techniques.”
2) Several years ago, Dr. Arazi and the Phonegate team reported that the vast majority of cell phones they tested — many of which were some of the most popular — exceeded the French SAR limits, some by many times. The phones were being sold without any warning to the people using them. The situation remains unchanged in France and Phonegate is not going to let this rest.
The same phones are still being sold in Canada and, by the way, Canada’s SAR limit is lower than France’s which means the exposures exceed our limits by far more. I have written to both Health Canada and ISED without no meaningful response. It’s necessary to increase the pressure. If anyone would like to pick this issue up and run with it, please let me know. I will happily share whatever info I’ve gathered on this topic. ISED’s response was that they ignore the SAR limit and instead apply ICNIRP’s which is more than 50 times Safety Code 6. ISED admitted that it is concerned only when heating occurs. Customers have no way of knowing that they are being exposed to such strong RF emissions.
(click on photos to enlarge)

SAR of cell phone : France files a formal objection to the EU Commission
“The SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) of cell phones is supposed to protect the health of users. This is still not the case! Also, on the recommendations of the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES), France has therefore referred to the European Commission to propose a measurement of SAR in direct contact with the body. But, two years after the announcement of the Government, nothing has changed yet….
Moreover, the action of Dr. Arazi before the Administrative Court has revealed similar SAR results for hundreds of controls of cell phones conducted, between 2012 and 2017, by the National Frequency Agency (ANFR) .”
or https://tinyurl.com/2p9xuwpy
3) Cell transmitters/towers have been disguised not just for reasons of aesthetics but also so people don’t know they are where they are. Disguises range from looking like trees to being hidden in outdoor signs at McDonalds. But 2-4G frequencies are able to penetrate materials better than higher 5G frequencies, so special considerations are needed to hide 5G transmitters.
A hidden challenge of C-Band deployment: Legacy concealment infrastructure
“American opposition to 5G deployment has been ongoing for years due to a variety of concerns and risks associated with its installation including reduced property value. Of course, industry folks are always happy to make suggestions on how to disguise infrastructure. Now one is saying that you can’t hide 5G with just anything….
“These frequencies are very sensitive to what kind of concealment material is being used,” Nemeth says. Raycap has conducted testing that has shown older concealment materials that have a high glass content, such as fiberglass, degrade C-Band radio performance. Since operators are initially pursuing putting C-Band gear on existing sites so that they can deploy quickly, they and their site contractors need to be aware that they could run into issues where the existing concealment materials could impede C-Band signals.”
4) I did not receive the letter below in time for the first session but the second one is on Dec. 9. This is a forum to discuss fiber optic and local internet networks that could enable communities to own and operate their fiber optic network. A topic which we all should be discussing.

From: Alberta’s Future <NDPCaucus.ABFuture@assembly.ab.ca>
Date: Nov 29, 2021
Subject: Sign-up for Tomorrow’s Rural Broadband Consultation
Join us tomorrow night for a consultation on our Rural Broadband High-Speed Internet Strategy.
Access to high-speed internet is essential for economic and business innovation across rural Alberta. We simply cannot compete globally, attract new investment, or sustain vibrant communities without stable, reliable, high-speed internet.
That means no more dial-up. No more waiting to be connected. Albertans deserve a better plan, from downtown Calgary to remote family farms, and the only way we get there is by developing a strategy for high-speed internet connectivity right across Alberta.
We have recently released our policy proposal to improve rural internet connectivity and connect all Albertans to affordable high-speed internet by 2027. These proposals are not final. We want to hear your thoughts, ideas, and criticisms so that we can work together to build the best plan for all Albertans.
Join MLA Jon Carson, MLA Heather Sweet and MLA Deron Bilous to discuss our plan to connect all Albertans to affordable high-speed internet and hear your thoughts and ideas.
You can register and find out more information here :
Internet & Future Connectivity Consultation: Connecting Alberta
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“If man doesn’t learn to treat the oceans and the rain forest with respect, man will become extinct.” Peter Benchley