2021-10-23 AT&T partnering with US military re. 5G data

1) In response to the item in last night’s update see 3) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-10-22-hydros-application-for-led-street-lights-are-they-smart/, a member reports that LED street lights replaced the older lights in Chemainus this past summer. Odd, if the Application is still in process as it says on the website. I have asked the member if he has an RF meter … Continue reading 2021-10-23 AT&T partnering with US military re. 5G data

2021-09-29 (Uh)-Oh Canada!

1)  NEWS COVERAGE OF CITY OF WINNIPEG COMMITTEE MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 28th. Here’s the outcome of the meeting (final paragraph of the news article) — reading the whole article is good though, because at least it’s fairly balanced reporting (for a change!), and one of the quotes in it is excellent (p.s. the headline seems … Continue reading 2021-09-29 (Uh)-Oh Canada!

2021-09-28 “Twinkle, twinkle… hey, YOU’re not a star!”

1)  PROBLEMS WITH SATELLITES (includes References). Two articles by Engineer Miguel Coma. Not new but always good. If anyone wants referenced info about the problems with satellites, please see Belgian Engineer Miguel Coma’s two articles, originally published by Wall Street International Magazine. www.OurWeb.tech/letter-25 www.OurWeb.tech/letter-26 [https://www.activistpost.com/2020/10/who-owns-the-satellites-adding-to-dangerous-levels-of-space-junk-and-other-catastrophic-risks.html] 2)  WINGED MICROCHIP IS SMALLEST-EVER HUMAN-MADE FLYING STRUCTURE The size … Continue reading 2021-09-28 “Twinkle, twinkle… hey, YOU’re not a star!”

2021-09-04 Fiber Optic Internet

1) In last night’s update [3) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-09-03-the-battle-against-a-cell-tower-in-qualicum-beach-continues/], I should have given you a direct link to register as an intervener in the FortisBC application for a gas “smart” meter. The page is at: https://www.bcuc.com/Registration-Intervener-2.aspx and the application for which you’re registering is the FEI CPCN for the AMI Project. 2) Re. intervention of the … Continue reading 2021-09-04 Fiber Optic Internet

2021-07-26 Possible “smart” cities: Washington, DC & Nanaimo, BC

1) The City of Nanaimo appears to be planning and working toward being a “smart” city. The CAO gave a presentation regarding the infrastructure and economic benefits. Nothing about the dangers or risk associated with being connected to the Internet of Things. (click on photos to enlarge) Creating a Sustainable Smart Infrastructure Plan https://publicsectornetwork.co/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/J.-Rudolph-Presentation-Smart-Infrastructure-Planning-II.pdf   … Continue reading 2021-07-26 Possible “smart” cities: Washington, DC & Nanaimo, BC