1) Both groups who are responsible for this win in the US courts against the FCC are holding press conferences on Monday.
Here is info about the EHT’s press conference on Monday at 9:00 am PT. You must register.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Here is info about the CHD’s press conference on Monday, 10:00 am PT. You must register.
2) Some excellent weekend reading. I sent the abstract of this report: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-08-06-birds-bees-trees-and-5g/
Part 2 will follow in a few days.
“Ambient levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF) have risen sharply in the last 80 years, creating a novel energetic exposure that previously did not exist. Most recent decades have seen exponential increases in nearly all environments, including rural/remote areas and lower atmospheric regions. Because of unique physiologies, some species of flora and fauna are sensitive to exogenous EMF in ways that may surpass human reactivity….
The above issues are explored in three consecutive parts: Part 1 questions today’s ambient EMF capabilities to adversely affect wildlife, with more urgency regarding 5G technologies.”
3) As demonstrated by the recent court decision, the FCC, like Health Canada, is heavily influenced by the telecom industry which pays for “bent scientists” to prepare studies and reports to support their products. One such person is “Dr. Ken Foster” who has presented before the Health Canada’s HESA committee and has been on the Royal Society panels that have reviewed Safety Code 6.
Here is just a sample of his work:
Needed: More Reliable Bioeffects Studies at “High Band” 5G Frequencies
EHT put just a sampling of Kenneth Foster’s extensive industry ties into a PowerPoint. And remember, he is just one of many industry-affiliated “experts” who are paid to undermine science and to whom FCC and Health Canada defer.
Click to access Foster-Industry-Consultant-6.pdf
Here is a recent presentation Foster gave to the York Water District on June 16, 2021. Look at his PowerPint and you will see his normal stance that there is no evidence of harm from RF radiation.
Update to the Proposal to add Cellular Communication Equipment on the existing Water tower located at
5 Roots Rock Road
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“People like to say that the conflict is between good and evil. The real conflict is between truth and lies.” Don Miguel Ruiz