2020-05-19 5G AirGig – power lines for milliwave transmission

The Appeal now has close to 7,600 signatures. https://www.appel5gappeal.ca/ – I do hope that you will share this and consider writing to your MP and MLA as well to your local newspaper about it. Sample letters were in the updates of May 14 and May 15. [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2020-05-14-a-canadian-appeal-say-no-to-5g/  &   https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2020-05-15-biomarkers-ehs-diagnosis/] 1) Another major journal that … Continue reading 2020-05-19 5G AirGig – power lines for milliwave transmission

2020-05-09 Letters from Experts re. TriCity article

In response to the article in TriCity News  (https://www.tricitynews.com/news/coquitlam-poco-mp-sponsors-petition-that-says-cell-towers-could-hurt-children-trigger-cancer-1.24131653) which gave false assurance that there is no evidence of harm from 5G or EMR in general, experts have written amazing letters pointing out the errors, omissions and false information in the article. Media ethics for journalists (https://caj.ca/ethics-guidelines) require fact checking and scrutiny which was obviously … Continue reading 2020-05-09 Letters from Experts re. TriCity article

Response by Dr. Anthony Miller and Frank Clegg to Tri-City News Editor re “Coquitlam-PoCo MP sponsors petition that says cell towers could hurt children, trigger cancer Article – May 08, 2020

May 08, 2020 Mr. Richard Dal Monte, EditorTri-City News                                              1680 Broadway Street, Unit 118, Port Coquitlam, B.C. V3C 2M Sent via email: <newsroom@tricitynews.com> Subject: Need for a balanced report versus the Tri-City News report Coquitlam-PoCo MP sponsors petition that says cell towers could hurt children, trigger cancer Dear Mr. Dal Monte: We believe the article … Continue reading Response by Dr. Anthony Miller and Frank Clegg to Tri-City News Editor re “Coquitlam-PoCo MP sponsors petition that says cell towers could hurt children, trigger cancer Article – May 08, 2020