1) A member reported getting a notice with her gas bill that FortisBC is telling customers how wonderful life will be with an “advanced meter”, to be installed by 2022. Lauding how there will be no meter readers (more jobs lost), leaks will be found more quickly, etc. etc. Same old, same old. FortisBC will have to obtain approval for these smeters from BCUC, so we must be alert to make sure we know the minute the application has been made so that we can participate in the process. It would be possible that FortisBC would be applying to use the new generation of smeters that would connect wirelessly to the Internet of Things and the 5G grid, gathering and sharing personal data as well as emitting radiation.
(click on photo to enlarge)

BCUC + FortisBC links:
2) An online meeting April 2 — this Thursday, with lawyers in the US to discuss all the satellites that have been and will be deployed as part of the 5G grid. It would be interesting to participate to get ideas about possible (legal) strategies we could employ in Canada.
“Please join us for an International Meeting/Panel Discussion on Legal Strategies in Responding to the Global Satellite Deployment. On April 2nd, 5G Free California will be hosting an international meeting featuring three leading attorneys working on the frontiers of the 5G Global Satellite and Network Challenge:”
3) New technology being developed that would allow tracking of personal contacts by means of apps on a cell phone. Right now the use would be voluntary and allow tracking of contacts with someone diagnosed with corona virus, but what about other uses that would not be so benign? Yet another reason not to have a cell phone.
Canadian authorities in talks about COVID-19 tracking apps
“In Canada, separate projects are underway that would combine phone location data with positive COVID-19 diagnoses to notify individuals about potential exposure in what their creators say are privacy-friendly ways. Such apps would rely on data from health agencies and need the approval of authorities to be available in app stores….
“That technology would allow the phone to record with whom you’re in contact as you go about your daily life,” such as going to the grocery store, dropping something off for a friend’s house or taking care of relatives, she outlined in a phone interview. “As you’re doing that, you’re at different degrees of contact with other individuals.””
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” Winston Churchill