2016-10-07 Australian smeter group pushed health authority to recognize RF health effects

1)    Good news in Australia where the major smeter resistance group has pushed to get RF emissions acknowledged as part of the Health Act. A precedent that hopefully we can use.   “The Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) previously advised members of the public that electromagnetic emissions were considered to be outside … Continue reading 2016-10-07 Australian smeter group pushed health authority to recognize RF health effects

2016-08-27 ZigBee chips

1)    We all must learn about ZigBee chips because these are the things that make appliances and electronics “$$mart” and BC Hydro/FortisBC will, at some time in the near future, push, bribe, or force us to turn on the ZigBee chip in our $$meter. Each smeter has one and we’ve been told that it will … Continue reading 2016-08-27 ZigBee chips

2016-07-10 Segment #1 of the BCUC draft response

1)    Electricity rates keep going up despite all the promises that the “$$mart” technology would keep prices low. In every place, the rates just keep on climbing, the need to pay for the new “$$smart” grid will never go down because of the bottomless pit in which it resides. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-hydro-rates-1.3669731 And as the rates increase, … Continue reading 2016-07-10 Segment #1 of the BCUC draft response

2016-07-07 500,000 hoverboards recalled due to lithium batteries burning. ITRON smeters have lithium batteries

1)    Below, in Letters, is a summary of a Small Claims court case a member brought against BC Hydro. Hydro tried to charge him for power after they neglected to turn it off after his tenant left. They lied, giving him several reasons for not turning the power off and he called them on these … Continue reading 2016-07-07 500,000 hoverboards recalled due to lithium batteries burning. ITRON smeters have lithium batteries

2016-06-26 Neptune water $$meters in Michigan emit strong signals every 14 seconds. Do they here?

1)    Below in Letters is one written by a member to Mr. Adam Taylor of the Marmot Recovery Foundation in Nanaimo. In response to this email, Mr. Taylor expressed great concern about the possible effects of RF and has asked for studies involving rats and other small mammals. He, like the others who have worked … Continue reading 2016-06-26 Neptune water $$meters in Michigan emit strong signals every 14 seconds. Do they here?

2016-02-13 Paris Conference sees EHS as major health concern

1)    More people are learning about the dangers of Wi-Fi and wireless devices. One day, there will be so many informed people that even Health Canada and Perry Kendall will not be able to ignore us. http://www.naturalnews.com/052952_Wi-Fi_radiation_electrosensitivity.html 2)    Paris Conference, Feb. 11, 50 scientists and researchers say it’s time to address health effects of Wi-Fi … Continue reading 2016-02-13 Paris Conference sees EHS as major health concern