2017-11-01 – We need independent review of smeter program, just like the one done for Site C 2017-11-02 – We may have to go around the NDP, to the Greens, for help with the smeter program. 2017-11-03 – Gov. General Payette wants to shut down bogus “science”. 2017-11-04 – BCUC recommending time-of-use billing to reduce … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2017-11 NOV

2017-10-29 A letter from Minister Mungall that shows she needs educating re. smeters

[2B – 5G – 1996 Telecommunications Act – Analog – Antennas – Antibiotics – Bacteria – BCUC – Bill Bennett – Bobby Reed Lawsuit v Oncor – Brendan Carr, FCC – Cancer – CCA Competitive Carriers Association – Cell Towers – Charter of Rights – Clean Energy Act – CSA – Data Security – DIGIT … Continue reading 2017-10-29 A letter from Minister Mungall that shows she needs educating re. smeters

2017-10-26 Another utility allowing people to keep their analogs permanently.

[3G – 4G- 5G Military Weapon – Analog – BC Hydro – Bills & TOU – Birds, Insects, Plants, Reptiles, Whales – Catherine Frompovich – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Corrupt Corporations – Data Privacy – Doctor Magda Havas – Efficiency Nova Scotia – Electrobonsai Effect on Trees – Emma Norton, Ecology Action Centre … Continue reading 2017-10-26 Another utility allowing people to keep their analogs permanently.

2017-10-24 Some excellent microcell letters that need to be circulated

[5G – 2017 Habit Summit & Technological Manipulation – Addiction & Dopamine – Aldous Huxley – Attention Economy – Bill Moyers – B.J. Fogg – Blackouts – Capitalism & Ethics – Cell Phones – Children – Chris Marcellino – Continuous Partial Attention / Distraction Caused by Wireless Devices & Social Media – Cyberattacks – Data … Continue reading 2017-10-24 Some excellent microcell letters that need to be circulated


(click on photos to enlarge) A few articles about interference from Smart Meters. Interference – EMR Health Alliance of BC – [USA]–William-Bathgate–DTE-Testimony-Rate-Case-18225.pdf   One reader’s smart meter experience in Ireland by John Weigel – Kelowna Daily Courier – January 05, 2013: – Boeing engineers use spuds to improve in-air Wi-Fi – Sacks … Continue reading INTERFERENCE

2017-10-20 Telecoms are turning light poles into “smart” surveillance tools and transmitters

[2B – 4G, 5G – AAEM – Amateur Radio Operators – Analog – BC Hydro – BCUC – Brain Tumours – Cancer Registries – Caspar Hallmann & Hans de Kroon – Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age by Doctor George Carlo – Cell Towers – Conflict of Interest – Cordless Phones – Corporate … Continue reading 2017-10-20 Telecoms are turning light poles into “smart” surveillance tools and transmitters

2017-10-18 Gord Downie dies of glioblastoma (brain cancer linked by studies to cell phones)

[5G Milliwave Frequencies – Amber Alert – Cell Phones – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Cheryl Irvine – Doctor Cindy Russell, SSCMA – Emergency Alert / Warning Systems Compromised by Removal of Landlines – Federal Emergency Management Agency – Glioblastoma Brain Cancer (Gord Downie) – Health – Itron – John McEldowney – Jonathan … Continue reading 2017-10-18 Gord Downie dies of glioblastoma (brain cancer linked by studies to cell phones)


[5G – Anca Gurzu – Bob Rudis, Rapid7 – Brain Tumours – Cell Towers – CERT Computer Emergency Readiness Team – Chakib Bekara – Cisco Systems Inc. & Juniper Networks Inc. Routers – Consumer Affairs Commission – CTIA – DOE – Doctor Joel Moskowitz – Electronic Warfare Military Weapons – Ellen Marks, California Alliance for Safer … Continue reading 2017-10-16 ANOTHER MAJOR WIN IN CALIFORNIA — MICROCELL BILL VETOED