2018-09-06 Action to help get attention at UBCM Convention next week

[5G mmW Microcells / Small Cells Antenna Cell Towers – Cell Phones – Citizens for Safe Technology (Eva Lyman, Patricia White) – Connected Communities – Doctor Joel M. Moskowitz Monthly Newsletters (Electromagnetic Radiation Safety) – EMR – Environment – Espionage – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – Martin L. Pall – Microwave Radiation – Privacy – … Continue reading 2018-09-06 Action to help get attention at UBCM Convention next week

2018-08-12 Globe and Mail prints Health Canada’s misinformation!!!

[5G – Americans for Responsible Technology Coalition – BBB – BC Hydro Legacy Meter Removals & Failed Installation Fee – Black Hat USA Survey – Cancer (Brain, Breast, Rectal, Tumours) – CDPH Guidelines (Joel Moskowitz Lawsuit) – Cell Phones (2B) – Children – Craig Young – Digital Addiction – Doctor Devra Lee Davis – EHS / … Continue reading 2018-08-12 Globe and Mail prints Health Canada’s misinformation!!!

2018-08-07 In California utility remotely turned off air conditioner during heat spell

[Blue Light (Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, Obesity, Prostate Cancer) – Brain GBMs – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children – DE – Doctor James McNamee – FCC – Heart Schwannomas – Melatonin – Mount Shasta City Council (Kathy Morter) – NTP – Pacific Power Opt-out – PUC – Ramazzini Institute – Remote Disconnect Switch (Air Conditioner, … Continue reading 2018-08-07 In California utility remotely turned off air conditioner during heat spell

2018-08-03 “Generation Zapped” getting into public libraries

[5G – Alan Jasanoff – Animals – Behaviour – Bill Gates – Birds – Brain – Buglife (Matt Shardlow) – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children’s Rights in the Digital Age – Digital Addiction – Doctor Martin Blank – EKLIPSE – EMF – EMR – Emotions – Environment – Face-to-Face Diplomacy: Social Neuroscience and International Relations by … Continue reading 2018-08-03 “Generation Zapped” getting into public libraries

2018-07-20 Warning to Nurses about exposure to EMF at work

[4G – 5G Microcell / Small Cell Towers – Accuracy – AVs (Deaths, Hacking, Insurance) – Barrie Trower – BCCDC – BC Hydro – Bills (Higher Consumption) – Black Duck Software (Tim Mackey) – Cancer – Cell Phones – CMP Smart Meters Overbilling Class Action Lawsuit & Press Release (Avangrid, Doug Herling, Gail Rice, Mark Levesque) – CMP … Continue reading 2018-07-20 Warning to Nurses about exposure to EMF at work

2018-07-13 ICNIRP asking for public comments on its draft of review of guidelines

[5G mmW Microcells / Small Cells Siting – AAP – Arthur Firstenberg Interview re 5G from Space – Brain Tumours – C4ST – Captured Agency by Norm Alster – CDPH Guidelines – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children – CTIA Lawsuit (Edward Chen, Justin Cole, Theodore Olson) – Dafna Tachover Testimony – De-Kun Li … Continue reading 2018-07-13 ICNIRP asking for public comments on its draft of review of guidelines

2018-07-05 The EU is trying to stifle results of Phonegate, and allow telecoms to hide testing results from the public

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antenna Siting Legislation – Alasdair Philips – Alvaro Augusto Almeida de Salles – Andrea Vormoli – ANFR Testing Transparency – Anthony B. Miller – BCCDC – Big Wireless – Cancer – Cell Phones & Smartphones (RF SAR) – Cell Towers – CFIUS – Children – Directive 2014/53/EU Amendment No. 57 (Business Secrecy) … Continue reading 2018-07-05 The EU is trying to stifle results of Phonegate, and allow telecoms to hide testing results from the public

2018-07-02 Turning your Wi-Fi off before going to bed, and other remediation tips

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Airplane Mode – Alasdair Philips (PowerWatch) Interview by Doctor Joseph M. Mercola – Avast (Martin Hron) – Barbara Payne Letter re How to Turn Off Wi-Fi – Bitcoins – Cancer – Cell Phones – Checkpoint (Maya Horowitz) – Children – City of Vancouver Mayor & Council … Continue reading 2018-07-02 Turning your Wi-Fi off before going to bed, and other remediation tips

2018-06-04 In USA, pilot project for “smart” highway, wireless gone mad.

[5G mmW Microcells / Small Cells Phased Array Antennas – AMI – Analogs – Arthur Firstenberg – AT&T – ATP Synthase – Autonomous Cars (Driverless) – Bills – Cancer – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Cisco – Colorado DoT – Costs – CTIA – Dariusz Leszczynski – Data – DNA – Doctor Joel Moskowitz … Continue reading 2018-06-04 In USA, pilot project for “smart” highway, wireless gone mad.