2018-05-28 Milliwave frequencies likely much more dangerous to insects than lower frequencies

[5G mmW – Alzheimer’s – Appliance Damages – Arno Thielens – Aspartame (Phenylalanine) – Autism – Babies – Bees – Betty Martini – Birth Defects – Bonnie Lysyk – Brain Tumours – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Cheryl Bridges – Children – Costs – CPUC (Michael Peevey) – Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act … Continue reading 2018-05-28 Milliwave frequencies likely much more dangerous to insects than lower frequencies

Newsletters 2018-05 MAY

2018-05-01 – Is radar the cause of the cancer cluster (ocular melanomas)? 2018-05-02 – Doctors in Europe ask for Precautionary Principle re. 5G –> moratorium 2018-05-03 – Rate of Malignant brain tumors (glioblastomas) doubles in UK 2018-05-04 – BC Ferries putting Wi-Fi transmitters on private land. 2018-05-05 – Cellphone-related nerve pain 2018-05-06 – Samsung’s dangerous … Continue reading Newsletters 2018-05 MAY

2018-04-07 A new generation of ITRON smeters that can gather more data

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Milliwave Phased Array Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Active Denial Military EMR Weapon – Addiction – AEP – AMI Networks – Animals & Wildlife – Appeals – Bacteria & Viruses (More Potent from Microwave Radiation) – Barrie Trower Interview – BC Hydro – BBB – Bent Scientists – Big Oil … Continue reading 2018-04-07 A new generation of ITRON smeters that can gather more data

2018-03-29 How industry uses disinformation to sell their products. A great read.

[4G – 5G Microcells / Small Cells Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – AAP – Addiction (Dopamine) – Adrian Dix – Analog – Annie Sasco – Apple – AT&T – Autism Canada (ASD, Boys, Laurie Mawlam) – BBB – BC Hydro – Bent Scientists – Brain Tumours (Acoustic Neuromas, Gliomas, Meningiomas) – Brave New World – Brian … Continue reading 2018-03-29 How industry uses disinformation to sell their products. A great read.

2018-03-15 Russians attacking electrical grid !!

[4G LTE – 5G Millimeter Wave Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting – Cancers (Acoustic Neuroma, Glioma, Lymphoma, Meningioma, Pituitary Adenoma, Thyroid) – Cell Towers – Cindy Russell – Comments by Lennart Hardell, Michael Carlberg, Lena Hedendahl on NTP Technical Reports (TR-595 Rats & TR-596 Mice) – Dafna Tachover – Dariusz Leszczynski – DHS … Continue reading 2018-03-15 Russians attacking electrical grid !!

2018-02-27 A major court ruling re pesticides in California could lead the way.

[5G Millimeter Waves (MMW) Health Effects – AARP – Apple iPhones – Bees – Bill Allayaud, Environmental Working Group – Brain Cancer (Sophia Hiestand) – Cathy & Ian Finley, Laurica Farm – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Chemical Weapons – Children – Debbie Friedman, MOMS Advocating Sustainability – DNA – Doctor Gunnar Heuser – e-Cigarettes – … Continue reading 2018-02-27 A major court ruling re pesticides in California could lead the way.