[5G mmW Microcells / Small Cells Antenna Cell Towers – Cell Phones – Citizens for Safe Technology (Eva Lyman, Patricia White) – Connected Communities – Doctor Joel M. Moskowitz Monthly Newsletters (Electromagnetic Radiation Safety) – EMR – Environment – Espionage – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – Martin L. Pall – Microwave Radiation – Privacy – Safety – Shuswap First Nations (Minnie) – Smart Grid – Smart Meters – Studies – Telus Living Lab / Huawei & Security – Threat to Humanity – UBCM 2018 Convention – Wi-Fi – Wildlife – Wireless Devices – Write Letter to Your Local Representatives re 5G, Wired Fibre Optics & Smart Cities | Coquitlam & Pitt Meadows & Port Coquitlam & Shuswap & Whistler, BC – Canada – Australia – China – UK – USA] & Websites
1) TIME SENSITIVE: A group in the Shuswap area has prepared to draw attention to the 5G and EMR issue at the Union of BC Municipalities [UBCM] annual convention in Whistler next week.
(click on photos to enlarge)

You are being asked to help raise awareness by sending a letter letter to your Councillors, Regional District members, etc. ASAP. Below is one that you can copy, paste and make your own. This is so very important.
“We need you to put your name and address on the letter below. Then email it or deliver to City Hall or the CSRD, depending on where you live. You can cut and paste the email addresses for elected officials below as a group or individually. Great if some can do this before Friday; however, the weekend is fine and even afterwards. For those that do a hard copy, we have been told these have more clout so please, if you can, take a hard copy to City Hall and ask them to make copies for each councillor and administrator, that would be great.
The councillors et al. will likely head to Whistler this weekend in preparation for the UBCM Convention Sept.10 -14th.
Patricia White & Eva Lyman of the Citizens for Safe Technology group and Minnie from the Shuswap First Nations are journeying to the UBCM Convention and plan to make an “impression” in the Whistler parking lot during the Convention and at many stops along the way. They will be setting up with their powerful posters and informative flyers concerning issues around microcells, 5G and ‘Smart’ Cities that we are all going to have to deal with if 5G is not stopped.
Dr.Martin Pall PhD. Biochemistry, teaching Basic Medical Science and internationally respected for his research in the field of electromagnetic radiation, has recently stated that 5G is a threat to humanity such that our life expectancy would be cut to 5 to 7 years if 5G were allowed. The alternative is wired fibre optics, with no WiFi component, and is much faster, much more efficient and reliable, much more secure/private and much cheaper. Stay tuned for updates.”
2) Dr. Joel M. Moskowitz is now sending out a monthly newsletter with recent news and studies. On his site there also are archives which are well worth perusing.

Scientific and policy developments regarding the health effects of electromagnetic radiation exposure from cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi, Smart Meters, and other wireless technology
3) Reports are that Telus has trucks readying to install microcells in Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam and Pitt Meadows. They begin by installing fiber optic cable along the power lines which is needed to get data to the microcells. Get to your City Hall and ask if any contract was approved, what notice was given to residents.


Dear Mayor _____________ and Councillors, District Directors, Staff, Administrators, etc.
[CivicInfo BC – http://www.civicinfo.bc.ca/12.asp]
Re: UBCM 2018, Whistler, BC
I am writing to you as a concerned resident of __________________ , BC. Many Council members and Regional District Directors will be attending the UBCM Convention in Whistler September 10-14, 2018. This Convention addresses aspects of ‘Smart’ Cities. These ‘Smart’ Cities being promoted require the 5G technologies which are extremely dangerous to health, safety, security and privacy. I am asking you to investigate, oppose and prohibit the expansion of harmful wireless microwave radiation and 5G millimeter wave technology whenever and wherever you have the opportunity.
Thousands of peer reviewed studies (see Electromagnetic Radiation: Adverse Biological Effects – 1,600 Accredited Scientific Studies) have documented the harmful impacts of wireless radiation on public health and nature. Some health effects include neurological and cognitive impairment, asthma, heart problems, sleep problems, learning and memory disorders, ringing in ears, headaches, fatigue, increased cancer risk and more.
Current infrastructure emissions of wireless microwave radiation are subjecting the public, wildlife, and the environment to 24 / 7 / 365 immediate and long-term, involuntary exposure to harmful microwave radiation that is a threat to all biological life and structures.
Current federal guidelines don’t protect health because they are not safety standards, they are commercial guidelines. The most recent science has determined that microwave radiation injury occurs at exposure levels that are mere fractions of the industry-driven Safety Code 6.
Telus has partnered with a Chinese company, Huawei, which has been banned by the USA, UK and Australia due to fear of possible cyber-espionage. Huawei has built the wireless transmitters being installed in the microcells that have been or will be installed outside all of our homes and is developing the 5G grid. Our personal security and that of our infrastructure is being put at risk by this new “smart” technology. There is a far more secure alternative — fibre optic cables.
Looking forward to your response and strong support for wired communications connections and safe technology for everyone.
Thank you,