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Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISEDC) needs to realize that the general public are becoming aware of the long history of corruption in the USA, which, shamefully, spilled over into Canada and other Western countries in/or around the 1970s. Evidence of this can be seen in the following:
In 1961, US President Eisenhower warned Americans to be on guard against the emergence of a corrupt US military-industrial complex (M-I-C), but too few people heeded him. [1]
In 1968, US President Johnson, in his State of the Union Address, promised to protect the American people from the EMF (electro-magnetic field) radiation emitted by TV sets and other electronic equipment etc.! He subsequently signed into law the Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act. [2]
In 1971, US President Nixon’s own radiation Management Advisory Panel warned him that the levels of ELF (extremely low frequency)/RF (radio frequency) EMF radiation then present in the USA may already be biologically significant, that the nation’s entire population might be at risk, especially if future generations are considered! [3]
In 1995, US President Clinton released a Memorandum stating: “Transmitter masts should not be sited on schools or near residential areas”! [4]
In 2004, US Senator, John McCain (who just underwent surgery to remove a brain tumor) stated that: “We have compelling evidence that there is an incestuous relationship between the defense industry and defense officials that is not good for America.” [5]
In 2010, US President Obama’s own Cancer Advisory Panel identified the risk to children and adolescents from wireless radiation as the most pressing problem! [6]
Today, in 2017, ISEDC needs to be aware of the declassified 1976 US Defense Intelligence Agency document [7], which exposes what prompted – and continues to cause – today’s unparalleled corruption:
1) The US military’s determination to remain the most powerful (i.e., technologically advanced) in the world; and,
2) technology-based industries, such as electric power generation and wireless and telecommunications are encouraged to explore and fully exploit new, commercial applications of wireless technology. By doing so, those same industries, on which the US Defense Industry depends, ensure that the US military remains the most powerful on earth! Tragically for all Canadians, Health Canada and what was then Industry Canada saw fit in the 1970s to align themselves with the USA and, in so doing, sacrificed forever the health and safety of the people of Canada!
Today, the Government of Canada still appears to be more concerned with industrial growth (and remaining in step with the USA) than it is about protecting the health and safety of Canada’s population! [8]
Non-industry scientists the world over are worried that the new, much higher microwave frequencies used in “5G” technology (28 GHz, 37-40 GHz, 64-71 GHz) have never been independently tested for safety, yet the Canadian telecom industry have already completed their initial tests to prove the technology! (US companies are already installing “5G” in some US states!)
Fifth Generation (“5G”) technology, if implemented nationally, would further irradiate the entire population of Canada – without their knowledge, comprehension of what is being done to them, or their consent! This would be yet another, even more serious violation of the Nuremburg Code and the most heinous crime imaginable! [9]
While the current and all three previous generations of microwave technology also violate the Nuremberg Code, informed people fear that “5G” would prove to be mankind’s Armageddon – – – of Industry’s own selfish creation!
Governments of Canada are elected, in part, to protect the health, safety and well-being of its people. Yet, Health Canada (like the USA):
a) refuses to recognize/admit that there are harmful health and biological non-thermal effects caused by RF EMF radiation;
b) refuses to admit that today’s wireless RF products / devices / toys all emit pulsed non-thermal radiation;
c) refuses to acknowledge/admit that ELF (60 Hz) magnetic fields are harmful to people and other life forms;
d) refuses to recognize/admit that there is such a condition known as “EHS” (electro-hypersensitivity), which affects at least 3% of the world’s entire population; and,
e) has never once seen fit to make it mandatory for Industry to first prove – by qualified, non-industry scientists, replicating real-life applications – that the radiation emitted by wireless products / devices / toys is safe!
Nor has Health Canada ever imposed the Precautionary Principle – even though the WHO (World Health Organization) itself stated – in 2003 – that there was sufficient evidence to justify its application (for both ELF and RF EMFs)! [10]
Nor did Health Canada ever attempt to halt in any way the provinces, who each saw fit to mandate their electric utilities to roll-out ‘smart’ meters – even when the WHO subsequently classified RF EMFs a Class 2B or ‘Possible’ carcinogen, in 2011!
Governments’ total disregard for the health and safety of the public has resulted in:
1) a growing host of disease epidemics, such as autism, ADHD, cancers, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, ALS, and other diseases of the brain, central nervous system and immune system, which most people had not heard of before wireless technology appeared. [11] (These disease epidemics are now common in every jurisdiction on earth that has adopted wireless technology!);
2) homes / dwellings are now far more susceptible to break-ins, intrusions, and the threat of electrical fires – thanks to provincially-mandated ‘smart’ meters, which are unbelievably intrusive, invasive, hackable, fire-prone, and very expensive; and,
3) Canada’s National Security is now at greater risk than at any previous time in our history, thanks to Government’s irresponsible decision to incorporate ‘smart’ meters in Canada’s national power grid!
No national government today can be unaware of the ‘International EMF Scientists Appeal’! (Again, ‘EMF’ stands for electromagnetic field radiation, which is emitted by all wireless products / devices, but none more so than the insidious ‘smart’ meter, particularly when they are operational in what electric utilities call ‘meshed grid networks’!). To date, the Appeal has been signed by at least 225 of the world’s leading EMF scientists – from 41 countries! Addressed to the Secretary General of the United Nations, to all UN-member countries and to the Director General of the WHO, it urges all leaders to: ‘Protect mankind and wildlife from EMFs and wireless technology’! [12]
ISEDC also needs to heed that:
On July 25, 2017, CBC TV released the results of a 38-year study (1973-2011) showing that sperm production is down more than 50%! Doctors are very concerned and point to some potential causes. Inconceivably, not a single doctor mentioned ELF or RF EMF radiation as being possible causes! Such is the power of mainstream new media, which controls what people are allowed to see on TV, hear on the radio, or read in newspapers!
Although the public’s health is not ISEDC’s concern, you have a moral obligation to note that, in 1958, the Soviet Union set their safety level for continuous exposure to RF EMF radiation 1,000 times lower (0.01 mW/cm²) than that which the USA
(10 mW/cm²) had set in 1955 – which was adopted by Canada and all Western countries! (See Ref. for the History of Exposure Safety Standards.) [13]
Since 1969, the USA has known of the ‘Biologic Effects and Damages to Health” people suffer when exposed to non-thermal EMF. They knew then that non-thermal radiation causes cancer! American doctors also observed gastric bleeding, leukemia, chromosome damage, etc. [14]
In 1988, the US Air Force acknowledged that RF-Microwave radiation has a biological (i.e., non-thermal) effect on living organisms (which includes people)! [15]
“Since 1998, there have been an enormous number of scientific studies demonstrating damage to biological systems by microwaves below the ICNIRP (and Canada’s Safety Code 6) limits! [16] [17] [18] [19]
In 1999, Health Canada’s own Safety Code 6 (page 11) stated: “Certain members of the general public may be more susceptible to harm from RF and microwave exposure”! [20]
EMF scientists around the world urge all governments to place a moratorium on “5G” technology! [21]
In conclusion, the world’s only super power, the USA, is dependent on the American communications and electronics industry to ensure that it’s military has the most advanced communications, radar, weapons, and electronic warfare systems of any nation in the world.
Also, since 1955, the US military and its allies – including Canada – have publicly recognized only the thermal effects of RF-MW radiation! Yet Industry has exploited wireless technology – as it is now doing with “5G” technology – even though US military scientists, US non-industry scientists, Eastern-bloc scientists, and other scientists around the world have known for decades that there are hazardous non-thermal effects to microwave frequency radiation! Prior to mobile technology, few people had heard of autism, ADHD, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, brain tumors, leukemia and other cancers, etc., which today plague most countries of the world!
Scientists also believe that the overall total or cumulative amount of ‘electro-smog’ (emitted by all wireless products / devices / toys) that now saturates planet earth’s environment literally threatens life on earth, as we know it! It is a tragedy that EMF adiation is both invisible and indiscernible, because it is literally everywhere today, and no person and no living thing can escape it!
It is imperative for ISEDC to now heed that most of the EMF scientists in the world have called on ALL governments to place a moratorium on “5G” technology!
Were ISEDC to unleash on a still largely unsuspecting, defenseless public the, as yet unknown, hazards of “5G” technology – on top of what the Canadian population is already enduring – would be obscene beyond belief! Those doing so would be guilty of committing the most heinously cruel crime possible – knowingly and deliberately irradiating an entire national population – without the people’s knowledge, understanding or consent! Absolutely unimaginable! Yet our national leaders continue to boast to the world that Canada is one of the world’s model democracies! As for Canada’s National Security, nothing is more exposed, more vulnerable or more indefensible than a wireless radio system!
J.G. (“Jerry”) Flynn, Captain (Retired)
[1] http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/ike.htm
[2] New York Times, January 18, 1968 Public Law 90-602, Oct 18, 1968
[3] The Zapping of America, Paul Brodeur (1977) pp. 228
[4] http://www.equilibrauk.com/emfnewinfo.shtml
[5] http://www.worldpolicy.org/projects/arms/reports/TiesThatBind.html
[6] http://electromagnetichealth.org/electromagnetic-health-blog/oc-ny/
[7] https://electroplague.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/dia-report-1976.pdf
[8] http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/smt-gst.nsf/eng/sf11298.html
[9] https://history.nih.gov/research/downloads/nuremberg.pdf
[10] http://microwavenews.com/news/backissues/m-a03issue.pdf
[11] http://www.globalresearch.ca/looming-health-crisis-wireless-technology-and-the-toxification-of-america/31816?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_
[12] http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20150511005200/en/International-Scientists-Appeal-U.N.-Protect-Humans-Wildlife
[13] http://ethw.org/Biological_Effects_of_Electromagnetic_Radiation
[14] http://www.sedonasmartmeterawareness.com/H-E-S-E–PROJECT-DOCUMENT.html
[15] https://www.emfacts.com/2014/09/us-air-force-rf-review-in-1988-acknowledges-non-thermal-biological-effects/
[16] http://wifiinschools.org.uk/3.html
[17] www.bioinitiative.org
[18] http://electromagnetichealth.org/electromagnetic-health-blog/resolutions-and-appeals/
[19] http://www.stayonthetruth.com/neil-cherry.php
[20] http://electromagnetichealth.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/BRAG_Schools.pdf
[21] https://ehtrust.org/key-issues/cell-phoneswireless/emf-scientist-appeal-advisors-call-moratorium-5g/
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The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:
– https://www.youtube.com/user/talkdigitalnetwork/search?query=sharon+noble
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The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:
– https://www.youtube.com/user/talkdigitalnetwork/search?query=sharon+noble
Amidst concern over President Trump’s emasculation of the US Environmental Protection Agency, and cuts to the USA’s climate research, other ground-breaking areas of environmental research are being ignored.
For well-over a decade, at a cost of $25 million, a US National Toxicology Program study has been assessing the links between the use of mobile phones and rare, though increasing forms of cancer.
Unfortunately, before the results of this study are published, it may be ‘lost’ in the coming cuts.
(by Paul Mobbs of CounterPunch.org http://www.counterpunch.org)
Cellphones, WIFI and Cancer: Will Trump’s Budget Cuts Kill ‘Electrosmog’ Research?
WHO World Health Organization – Setting the standard for a wireless world of harm – A Call for Action and Accountability by Olga Sheean – January 30, 2017:
– http://olgasheean.com/who-harm/ [http://olgasheean.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/WHO-setting-the-standard-for-a-wireless-world-of-harm.pdf]
• WHO regional offices, government agencies, MPs, investigative journalists, relevant organizations, advocacy groups and scientists worldwide
This has been an ongoing debate for decades, but whenever someone asks this question, it’s usually met with scepticism and the debate is shunned. I used to react the same way. But once I started digging into the evidence, it became clear to me that the answer was much more complex than I had imagined.
There are over 6 billion mobile phone subscriptions worldwide, many of them smart phones, with Wi-Fi functionality. Since the widespread use of mobile phones, overall brain cancer rates have not increased and this is often used as proof that mobile phones are safe. But this is short sighted, mainly because brain cancer can take decades to develop and being also rare, it’s unlikely to show up easily in data from the general population. In fact, US statistics do show an increase in brain tumours in younger people.
Nowadays, it’s not just mobile phones that have a growing number of scientists concerned. There are also Wi-Fi enabled devices like laptops, tablets, even watches and other wireless gadgets, like baby monitors and game consoles. We place them close to our bodies or we give them to children to play with, not realising that these devices also emit the same type of radiation as mobile phones. On top of that, there are Wi-Fi networks, which blanket our homes, our schools and our cities with an artificial electrosmog.
Intensive mobile phone users at higher risk of brain cancers, says study
We now exist in a sea of radiofrequency (RF) radiation, never before seen in human history. The levels of artificial electromagnetic radiation have reportedly reached a quintillion (1018) times higher than the natural background levels.
In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified RF electromagnetic fields as a “possible human carcinogen”. Much of the evidence was based on studies showing an association between the development of glioma (a malignant brain tumour) and the longest use of wireless phones.
US cancer epidemiologist, Dr Devra Davis says, “We’ve gone from the equivalent of the horse and buggy to the jet in about 10 years.”
Dr Davis is highly credentialed. She was a senior scientist at the National Academy of Sciences, and a presidential appointee of the Clinton Administration and a member of the team awarded a Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore in 2007. She has been campaigning for the safer use of Wi-Fi technology, especially in children.
Case in point. The Rudd Government’s (Australia) “education revolution” has led to the roll out of Wi-Fi in public schools across the country. Yet there’s never been a single study looking at people’s long-term health risks of Wi-Fi exposure.
“Millions of children are being exposed to something that has never been fully tested,” says Dr Davis. “We’re treating our children like lab rats in an experiment with no controls.”
More and more parents are concerned about their children’s cumulative exposure to Wi-Fi, especially because children’s brains absorb twice as much radiation than adults.
“It’s almost a case of involuntary consent. Parents are sending their children to school to sit in a ‘possible’ human carcinogen,” one parent told me.
We have a federal agency responsible for protecting us against the harmful effects of radiation – the Australian Radiation Protection Nuclear and Safety Authority (ARPANSA). They rarely grant TV interviews, but on this occasion, they agreed to take part in my program.
“There is no established evidence that RF radiation from tablets and phones and Wi-Fi causes health effects,” says Dr Ken Karipidis, a spokesperson for ARPANSA.
It’s also the same position held by reputable authorities like the UK Royal College of Physicians, the Cancer Council of Australia as well as the industry body, Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA).
To my mind, “no evidence of established health risk,” is not the same as saying it’s safe. Sadly, guaranteeing safety is something not even our safety authority is willing to do.
A petition to the WHO and UN has been signed by over 200 scientists in a bid to draw attention to what they perceive as a looming public health crisis. They say current safety standards aren’t protective enough. Some countries like Switzerland, Russia and China have 100 times more stringent standards than Australia.
Former CEO of Microsoft Canada, Mr Frank Clegg says we’ve been misled about the evidence. He has rare insight into the machinations of the technology industry.
“My industry is on a campaign to bury the science and to confuse the message on the harmful effects of wireless devices,” says Mr Clegg. “I’ve seen the tremendous benefits that technology can provide. My concern is nobody can say that it’s safe.”
Mr Clegg sets the scene, reminiscent of Big Tobacco in the 90s when the CEOs of major tobacco companies went in front of US congress and swore under oath that tobacco was not addictive.
The robust position of the Australia’s safety agency reminded me of the scene in the film Thank You For Not Smoking where the smooth talking character of Nick Naylor tells Telco executives: “Gentlemen, practise these words in front of the mirror. ‘Although we are constantly exploring the subject, currently there is no direct evidence that links cell phone usage to brain cancer.’”
Dr Davis says she has seen this before where industry is able to influence or delay the scientific evidence. Early in her career, she worked to ban smoking on planes. Her team showed that after an 8-hour flight, the smoking and non-smoking sections of the plane had the same amount of fine particulate pollution.
“We did that research in about 3 months. But it took 4 years to get a report out. The reason it took 4 years had nothing to do with the science at all. It was [the politics] and I’ve seen that repeated here,” says Dr Davis.
No-one is saying we shouldn’t use these devices. They have revolutionised our day-to-day life and we’ve become to depend on them. I’ve explored ways to use this technology more safely.
Dr Davis says we need to take a precautionary approach with Wi-Fi technology.
“What are we debating here?” says Dr Davis. “Do you really want to see proof that we’ve got millions of people with cancer, like we did with tobacco and asbestos? Is there any question we should have acted sooner?”
I still have these devices but I’ve changed the way I use them based on the evidence that I’ve uncovered. I’d rather take precautions in the absence of all the evidence rather than sticking my head in the sand.
Maryanne Demasi presents Wi-Fried? a Catalyst special that airs Tuesday 16 February at 8pm on ABC1.
Item posted on FaceBook by Robert Riedlinger
Article originally posted on
Contact author @Maryanne Demasi
Monday 15 February 2016 23.00 GMT
Last modified on Monday 15 February 2016 23.17 GMT
I was reviewing one of the Facebook groups that I belong to and I found this amazing site with a treasure trove of information on EHS = Electro Hypersensitivity.
The information is laid out in a graphic/pictorial fashion and not in the typical text/essay fashion. You can spend an hour on the main graphic and get a feeling for the whole subject and then when you are ready, you can click on a link to dig deeper into the current knowledge of EHS. This will keep you busy for hours and hopefully will help you deal with EHS and become politically active to remove the RFR that causes EHS.
In my opinions, people with EHS are like the canaries in the coal mines a century ago. We all suffer from RFR but those people with EHS suffer first.
Click here to download the Slide Show
See all details = BC Conference FINAL OCT 28-1