2015-03-29 California Utilties are misusing the Privacy Act just as BC Hydro is

  1)   Here is evidence that information is being hidden using the Privacy Act in California when questions are asked about Smart Meter fires — just as they are using here.  Can you imagine their being able to use the privacy act to refuse to provide the number of smart meter fires that have occurred! … Continue reading 2015-03-29 California Utilties are misusing the Privacy Act just as BC Hydro is

2014-12-21 Idaho has wired meters that are safer and each one cost $400 less than ours

1)   A member has done some digging into wired “stupid” grids as a result of Hydro’s having close to 50,000 smeters that are being read manually, and most likely will be read manually. He found the attached article by someone in the Idaho wired smeter project. Wireless meters’ signals are not strong enough to communicate … Continue reading 2014-12-21 Idaho has wired meters that are safer and each one cost $400 less than ours

2014-08-17 Industry and Experts warn of $$meter hacking, invasion of privacy

1) Saskatchewan Energy Minister Boyd explains (in video) why he “pulled the plug” on the $$meter program. http://www.trueactivist.com/105000-smart-meters-removed-after-multiple-fires-were-caused-by-the-device/ 2) A security engineer warns that hackers will exploit $$meters. http://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2014/08/07/which-internet-of-things-consumer-products-are-most-likely-to-be-exploited-by-hackers/ 3)The industry  is beginning  to acknowledge that hacking, invasion of privacy is a major problem with $$meters and grid. http://www.smartgridnews.com/artman/publish/Technologies_Metering/How-to-attack-a-smart-meter-Utilities-better-find-out-before-the-criminals-do-6674.html/?fpt#.U_DYdLl0zbg http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/international/2014/07/18/335214.htm 4) Non-$meter, but important:  Ultra … Continue reading 2014-08-17 Industry and Experts warn of $$meter hacking, invasion of privacy

2014-08-15 Problems causing $meter fires are “systemic in the industry”

1) $$meter manufacturer admits that all $$meters have the same problems!! The company blamed “external factors,” such as “water intrusion,” “hot socket conditions,” “over voltage in the distribution system,” and “holes in meter boxes” for the fires. It also said investigations were underway. (Water accumulates due to condensation inside analogs and it does inside $$meters. … Continue reading 2014-08-15 Problems causing $meter fires are “systemic in the industry”

2014-08-01 We must get those with Smart Meters informed about fires!!

1)  The BC Liberal Government and BC Hydro are misleading the public about Smart Meter Safety – again The govt’s and Hydro’s PR departments are busy misleading the public about the safety of the Smart meters yet again. I hope you will write letters to your newspapers, call radio stations, etc. and allow the public … Continue reading 2014-08-01 We must get those with Smart Meters informed about fires!!

Rebuttal to BCUC Final Order & Final Response to Smart Meter Fire Safety Concerns Complaint

2016-08-28 BCUC is failing to protect the public I have shared the response that BCUC sent me on July 28, 2016 in which they basically said that despite all of the many problems re. reporting, tracking, monitoring, etc., they choose to believe that there were no problems and said that there would be no formal … Continue reading Rebuttal to BCUC Final Order & Final Response to Smart Meter Fire Safety Concerns Complaint