Newsletters 2015-06 JUN

2015-06-01 – Major lawsuit win against tobacco. Next cell phone!! 2015-06-02 – A major article refuting FortisBC’s claims that smart meters are safe  2015-06-03 – Smart Meter explodes on home in Collingwood, Ont. 2015-06-04 – Why aren’t BCHydro and FortisBC moving smart meters away from propane tanks, etc.? 2015-06-05 – Fortis installers must be getting … Continue reading Newsletters 2015-06 JUN

2015-05-28 Govt. hiding information from public said to be systemic

A former BC civil servant, an Exec. Asst. to a Minister, was ordered to delete information requested via a Freedom of Information request. This is illegal.    As I’ve told you, BC Hydro is consistently refusing to answer by FOI (freedom of information) requests, using the right to privacy which does not apply to a public … Continue reading 2015-05-28 Govt. hiding information from public said to be systemic

2015-05-18 CTV carrying news re. Berkeley’s right to know resolution. Word is getting around.

1)        Below is a notice from Hydro Quebec in which the implication is pretty clear that the remote disconnect switch, which ITRON meters have, should not be near flammable materials, like a propane tank. What are BC Hydro and FortisBC doing about putting these in garages that have flammable materials stored, or on dry wooden homes? … Continue reading 2015-05-18 CTV carrying news re. Berkeley’s right to know resolution. Word is getting around.

2015-05-21 100 Smart Meters explode in California

————————————————————————–   100 Smart Meters explode and blow off homes in Capitola, Calif.  I don’t know the cause of this, and when I find out I will let you know. This is the second incident like this in Calif. in 2 months.   We’ve been facing the media’s refusal to provide information about anything … Continue reading 2015-05-21 100 Smart Meters explode in California

2015-05-02 Hydro refuses to answer questions re. costs, spent and future.

  Here is the youtube of the announcement of the Tesla battery yesterday. If this is bought by many, the price will come down and many more of us will be able to say good-bye to Hydro.   Maryland Smart Meter Awareness group, with retired Environment Protection Agency lawyer, resisting smeters and raising awareness … Continue reading 2015-05-02 Hydro refuses to answer questions re. costs, spent and future.

Smart Meter FIRES – FOI – 201-20-2015-112

From: Dennis and Sharon Noble [] Sent: April 17, 2015 1:49 PM To: Information and Privacy Commission ( Subject: Complaint re. BC Hydro’s misuse of the Freedom of Information Act 201-20-2015-112 Importance: High Dear Commissioner Denham, I wish to lodge an official complaint to your office, charging that BC Hydro is deliberately using the Freedom … Continue reading Smart Meter FIRES – FOI – 201-20-2015-112

2015-04-18 Could BCHydro’s/FortisBC’s turning off power damage medical equipment?

  Not Smart meter specific, but if the money trail were followed, wouldn’t it be interesting to see how much ITRON and Corix have contributed?   Africa uses its Smart meters to “load limit”, reducing or shutting power off for short periods. There are major concerns for technical or medical equipment. We have no … Continue reading 2015-04-18 Could BCHydro’s/FortisBC’s turning off power damage medical equipment?