Smart meter safety risk – Letter to BC Minister of Energy and Mines Bennett

June 26. 2015 – For Immediate Release  A COURT TOLD ITRON SMART METERS ARE A FIRE HAZARD.  What did ITRON know and when did they know it? They knew these smart meters were dangerous and they knew from the very beginning.  We, the taxpayers who fund BC Hydro, demand a refund from ITRON for selling … Continue reading Smart meter safety risk – Letter to BC Minister of Energy and Mines Bennett

2015-06-21 Hydro still lying about safety of smart meters

More misleading statements by BC Hydro’s Ted Olynyk. I hope you will refute, as I have in a letter below.   Last week when the Parliamentary subcommittee released its report and recommendations regarding Health Canada’s Safety Code 6, there were articles in most major newspapers that were biased and inaccurate, seeming to have been … Continue reading 2015-06-21 Hydro still lying about safety of smart meters

2015-06-20 Dr.Tom Siddon questions FortisBC’s increasing rates & BCUC’s lack of accountability

1)   In Massachusetts, smeter opposition is strong with a fraud complaint being lodged against a “tobacco scientist” who testified.  the complaint can be read here. 2)  “Electoral Area “D” Director  Tom Siddon  wants the regional district board to speak to provincial cabinet ministers about escalating  Fortis rates  and the accountability of the C Utilities … Continue reading 2015-06-20 Dr.Tom Siddon questions FortisBC’s increasing rates & BCUC’s lack of accountability

Texas lawsuit – Union sues ONCOR Electric concerning safety of Smart Meters

National Labor Relations Board Fort Worth, TX 2012 – 2013 – 2015-02-27 … the Judge found that ONCOR Electric (the Respondent) unlawfully discharged employee Bobby Reed for engaging in protected concerted activity and/or union activity, when he testified in a hearing before a State Senate Committee concerning smart meters. p22 – Based on the testimony … Continue reading Texas lawsuit – Union sues ONCOR Electric concerning safety of Smart Meters

2015-06-15 Fortis Alberta uses wired smart meters

  Fortis customers are organizing to fight this mandatory pollution of homes and environment. A new facebook   Grand Forks and Nelson are two communities that have special arrangements with Fortis, and have been installing their own meters. If you recall, there are several types of meters that are non-analog. Photos and more complete … Continue reading 2015-06-15 Fortis Alberta uses wired smart meters

2015-06-04 Why aren’t Hydro and Fortis moving meters away from propane tanks, etc.?

1)   Below is a letter I wrote to BCHydro and FortisBC asking if they are taking precautionary measures like those Quebec Hydro is taking. Please share with your MLA, media, etc. This must get out – that other utilities are doing things in recognition of the fire hazard, but apparently BCHydro and FortisBC are not. … Continue reading 2015-06-04 Why aren’t Hydro and Fortis moving meters away from propane tanks, etc.?