2019-10-16 5G’s additional toxic waste

1)  A member of a resistance group in Iowa sent me a video of a man confronting people preparing the groundwork for a 5G transmitter-holding pole.  Warning, some strong language.  Fantastic 5G protest in Spearfish, SD — South DaCola https://www.southdacola.com/blog/2019/07/fantastic-5g-protest-in-spearfish-sd/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAZbDTSUdQQ  (11:45 min.) 2)  5G will add greatly to the pollution resulting from “technology”.  We know that it will … Continue reading 2019-10-16 5G’s additional toxic waste

2019-10-09 Telecom lobbying paying off re 5G?

1)  A member sent in this opt-out chart that has links to the specific utility commissions’ decisions. This, in conjunction with the chart we’ve been keeping, https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/OPT-OUT-FEES.pdf provides evidence that many utilities are allowing their customers to refuse smeters and to keep their analogs. and to even have smeters removed and replaced by analogs..  BC … Continue reading 2019-10-09 Telecom lobbying paying off re 5G?