2016-09-17 Is the fiber optic offering really a bait and switch?

1)    ITRON is celebrating the fact that Measurements Canada has granted a 10 year certification period. Big deal. Analogs were certified for 12 years. Why hasn’t ITRON submitted the smeters to CSA for certification that they are safe? What are they hiding?  BTW, I submitted a comment which was removed. https://www.metering.com/news/itron-smart-meters-certification/ 2)    CUPE is suing … Continue reading 2016-09-17 Is the fiber optic offering really a bait and switch?

Newsletters 2016-09 SEP

2016-09-01 – Major Smart Meter Security Report 2016-09-02 – BC’s public health website is out-of-date and dangerously misleading 2016-09-03 – In USA, emission levels exceed already dangerously high allowable limits 2016-09-04 – Who owns our data? 2016-09-05 – Heavy use of computers in schools found to reduce learning. 2016-09-06 – National Toxicology Program confirms DNA … Continue reading Newsletters 2016-09 SEP

Rebuttal to BCUC Final Order & Final Response to Smart Meter Fire Safety Concerns Complaint

2016-08-28 BCUC is failing to protect the public I have shared the response that BCUC sent me on July 28, 2016 in which they basically said that despite all of the many problems re. reporting, tracking, monitoring, etc., they choose to believe that there were no problems and said that there would be no formal … Continue reading Rebuttal to BCUC Final Order & Final Response to Smart Meter Fire Safety Concerns Complaint

2016-08-21 Group in Texas blaming those responsible for financially misleading info. re. $$meters.

1)    A reminder of a rally in front of Dr. Perry Kendall’s office in Victoria, Tuesday, Aug. 23. See details below in Letters. We’d love to have a good turnout to show that parents, teachers, kids, grandparents are concerned about having Wi-Fi in schools, about Dr. Perry Kendall’s refusal to implement the Precautionary Principle, to … Continue reading 2016-08-21 Group in Texas blaming those responsible for financially misleading info. re. $$meters.


SMART METERS are known to start FIRES.  The various companies that have deployed SMART METERS in Canada and other jurisdictions know this but because of their huge investments, they are denying this fact and are actively covering up the incidents. Scroll down & click on important reports below. If you know of a fire caused … Continue reading SMART METER FIRES