5G, Your Health And The Environment – Canadian Zoom Webinar – April 25, 2020

(click on photo to enlarge) Do you know about the safety and privacy concerns of 5G (Fifth generation cellular technology)? Do you know why other municipalities and countries have stopped 5G? Come find out how 5G affects you, your family, the environment and our economy. Please join Sharon Noble of Stop Smart Meters BC, Dan … Continue reading 5G, Your Health And The Environment – Canadian Zoom Webinar – April 25, 2020

2020-04-21 – FCC wants to put 5G antennas on homes

1)  A new paper that provides excellent insight into the problems we face in our current environment. Current building practices should be expanded to include consideration for reducing/eliminating EMR as much as possible.  There are some excellent recommendations for making our environment at work and at home safer. Building science and radiofrequency radiation: What makes … Continue reading 2020-04-21 – FCC wants to put 5G antennas on homes

Stop 5G – BC Letter Contact List

Premier John Horgan <Premier@gov.bc.ca> Minister of Health Adrian Dix <HLTH.Minister@gov.bc.ca> Dr. Bonnie Henry, Provincial Health Officer <Bonnie.Henry@gov.bc.ca>  (250-952-1330)                                               &  Office of the PHO, Ministry of Health, PO Box 9648, STN PROV GOVT, 1515 Blanshard St., Victoria BC V8W 9P4 BC MLA Finder – https://www.leg.bc.ca/learn-about-us/members = = = Prime Minister Justin Trudeau <justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca> Minister of Health … Continue reading Stop 5G – BC Letter Contact List

Count-down until the April 25, 2020 5G Online Global Protest Day!

(click on photo to enlarge) Online events planned by Stop 5G International https://mailchi.mp/stop5ginternational/update-resources-april-25-online-global-protest-day?e=[UNIQID]   & https://stop5ginternational.org/5g-protest-day/ Webinar: We are planning a Global Webinar which will consist of a panel of speakers covering various issues pertaining to 5G. (Panel members to be announced). The Webinar is planned for April 25th at 6:00 pm UK time. (Our apologies … Continue reading Count-down until the April 25, 2020 5G Online Global Protest Day!