Newsletters 2017-09 SEP

2017-09-01 – The microcell battle in California now extended to more than 215 cities 2017-09-02 – Depression linked to microwave radiation. 2017-09-03 – A new study shows DNA damage from frequency used by smeters at very low exposure levels. No Update for 2017-09-04 2017-09-05 – Telecoms, like Telus and AT&T, are manipulating customers re. fiber … Continue reading Newsletters 2017-09 SEP

2017-08-29 Virtual Reality headsets with smartphones being promoted by public libraries and schools.

[5G Microcells / Small Cells – Abe R. Liboff – Andrew Weaver – Antenna – Appliances – Brain – Carole James – Children – Civil Rights – Data – Democracy – D.M. Strong – DNA – ElectroSmog – ELF – EMFs – EMR – Energy Disaggregation – Environment – Eyes – FortisBC Powerley Energy Bridge … Continue reading 2017-08-29 Virtual Reality headsets with smartphones being promoted by public libraries and schools.

2017-08-24 Canada’s industry-friendly Precautionary Principle

[A Framework for the Application of Precaution in Science-based Decision Making about Risk & the Precautionary Principle – BC Hydro Smart Meter Testing – Brianne Maxwell – Cancer – CEPA Review Briefs by Doctor Magda Havas & Margaret Friesen – Civil Rights – Covert Sonic Device Attacks on American / Canadian Embassy Diplomats – EHS Symptoms … Continue reading 2017-08-24 Canada’s industry-friendly Precautionary Principle

2017-07-04 Industry admits smeter growth stunted due to “uncertainties” !

[2007 BioInitiative Report – Antennas – Benefits – Bills – Catherine McKenna – Cindy Sage Summary of Jerrold Bushberg NextG Small Cells Report – Darren Praznik – Elaine MacDonald, Ecojustice – Gary Olhoeft – Health Canada – Itron – Jane Philpott – Ken Rubin – Landis+Gyr – Opposition Testimony by Child re Ben Hueso & Bill … Continue reading 2017-07-04 Industry admits smeter growth stunted due to “uncertainties” !