2017-01-07 Nothing but letters

[5G – Cell Towers – Community Charter – EMF – EMR – Heads in the Sand – Health – Health Canada – the Hum – Human Rights – In camera – Industry Canada – Islands Trust – Jane Philpott – Microcells – Olga Sheean – Regional District of Nanaimo RDN – Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen … Continue reading 2017-01-07 Nothing but letters

2017-01-01 Why is the Cancer Agency’s website misinforming the public about cell phones, etc?

[5G – BC Cancer Agency – BC Hydro – Doctor – EHS – EMF – FBI – Health – IoT – James Woolsey – Mary Redmayne – Microcells – MS – Netanel Rubin – NTP – Olle Johansson – Perry Kendall – Rafe Mair – RF – Security – Shielding – Smart Cities – Telus … Continue reading 2017-01-01 Why is the Cancer Agency’s website misinforming the public about cell phones, etc?

2016-12-20 Even the IEEE acknowledges harm from Wi-Fi. Why won’t Kendall?

1)    The health effects of exposure to RF emissions are well documented but yet our provincial health authorities, namely Dr. Perry Kendall and his cohorts, continue to dismiss them. They are public health doctors with the responsibility of preventing harm and do not treat disorders.  They are failing to do their jobs as far as … Continue reading 2016-12-20 Even the IEEE acknowledges harm from Wi-Fi. Why won’t Kendall?

2016-12-16 BC Hydro has a winter disconnect policy!!

1)      FortisBC is being as heartless and reckless as BC Hydro, cutting power as retaliation for people refusing to allow FortisBC to put a fire hazard on their home. Please comment while the comments are open – people need to know what the many problems are. http://www.castanet.net/news/Kelowna/183623/Smart-meter-foes-go-cold 2)      Saskatchewan government recalled the smeters after only … Continue reading 2016-12-16 BC Hydro has a winter disconnect policy!!

2016-12-14 Another agency that can’t help us — Consumer Protection Agency

1)    A slightly different version of a beautiful YouTube by one of our members that I had in an update last week.  This is a lovely way to educate people about the dangers of RF.  Please share widely. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMJ9x61f8cc&feature=youtu.be 2)    Some of our members took readings of microcells that Telus has installed as a result … Continue reading 2016-12-14 Another agency that can’t help us — Consumer Protection Agency