2017-11-21 Tobacco industry forced to tell truth about its deadly product. When will the telecoms?

[Addiction to Wireless Devices – American Lung Association – BC Hydro Debt – BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report by Sharon Noble – Bills – Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids – Cell Phones – Children – Clean Energy Act – Consumers Energy – Costs – Diane Phillips, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network – DTE – … Continue reading 2017-11-21 Tobacco industry forced to tell truth about its deadly product. When will the telecoms?

2017-11- 17 In California several lawsuits claiming smeters caused fires.

[Arcing – BC Hydro – Benefits – CPUC – Crow’s Nest Cafe – Doctor Sanjay Gupta, CNN re EHS – Electrical Panel – Fibre Optics – General Electric – Health – Itron – Landis+Gyr – Lawsuits by Insurance Companies (CSAA Insurance Exchange & John Garcia | IDS Property Casualty Insurance Company & Enrique & Maricela … Continue reading 2017-11- 17 In California several lawsuits claiming smeters caused fires.

BC Hydro Response to BCUC Request for Comment on Ms. Noble’s Correspondence re Smart Meter Fires Report – October 20, 2017

A couple of weeks ago, I received comments on my fire report from BC Hydro and Len Garis: – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/BC-Hydro-Response-by-Fred-James-to-BCUC-Request-for-Comment-on-Ms.-Nobles-Correspondence-BCUC-and-Smart-Meter-Fires-The-Failure-to-Protect-October-20-2017.pdf   My response back: From: Sharon Noble Sent:November 7, 2017 To: ‘Commission Secretary BCUC:EX’ <Commission.Secretary@bcuc.com> Cc:bchydroregulatorygroup@bchydro.com Subject: BC Hydro Response to BCUC Request for Comment on Ms. Noble’s Correspondence Dear Mr. Wruck, The comments provided … Continue reading BC Hydro Response to BCUC Request for Comment on Ms. Noble’s Correspondence re Smart Meter Fires Report – October 20, 2017

2017-11-13 New info re. ways our exposure to environmental toxins can affect future generations.

[Alby Baker – Ana Wolpin – Analog Meter Readers – Annette Huenke – BC Hydro Review – Bees & Wildlife – Cancer – CDC – Chris Jones – Circadian Rhythm – Climate Change – Costs – Data Privacy – DNA – Dorn Campbell – Doug Milholland – EMFs – Environment, Genes & Exposome – Health … Continue reading 2017-11-13 New info re. ways our exposure to environmental toxins can affect future generations.

2017-11-07 Comments on the Fire Report from BC Hydro & Len Garis

[ANSI C12 – BCSA – Benefits – Claire Trevena – Cost Comparisons – Customer Sockets – Design Flaws – Electromechanical Analogs – Fibre Optics – Fire Commissioner’s Data & Fire Reporting System – FortisBC – Fred James & Geoff Higgins, BC Hydro Regulatory Group – Health – Insurance – Itron C2SOD & CN2SOD Smart Meters … Continue reading 2017-11-07 Comments on the Fire Report from BC Hydro & Len Garis

2017-11-01 We need independent review of smeter program, just like the one done for Site C

[Andrew Weaver – BC Hydro Smart Meter Program Review & Recall – BCUC Site C Independent Review – Claire Trevena – Clean Energy Act – David Morton – Deloitte LLP – EHS – Erin Morrison – Fire Report by Sharon Noble – FortisBC Removes Analog & Service Drop (Overhead Wire) – Health – Itron – John … Continue reading 2017-11-01 We need independent review of smeter program, just like the one done for Site C

2017-10-29 A letter from Minister Mungall that shows she needs educating re. smeters

[2B – 5G – 1996 Telecommunications Act – Analog – Antennas – Antibiotics – Bacteria – BCUC – Bill Bennett – Bobby Reed Lawsuit v Oncor – Brendan Carr, FCC – Cancer – CCA Competitive Carriers Association – Cell Towers – Charter of Rights – Clean Energy Act – CSA – Data Security – DIGIT … Continue reading 2017-10-29 A letter from Minister Mungall that shows she needs educating re. smeters

2017-10-27 Another power surge that caused smeters to explode and burn.

[Aclara Technologies – Appliances – BC Hydro – BC Safety Authority – Behavioural Problems – Bill Gates – Bills – Canadian Paediatric Society – Carl-Henric Svanberg – Cell Phones – Children – CSA Certification – Dave Maxfield & Ron Core, Hydro One – Doctor David Carpenter – Don Plowright – EMFs – Fires Insurance – Health Canada … Continue reading 2017-10-27 Another power surge that caused smeters to explode and burn.

2017-10-21 One explanation for diplomats in Cuba becoming ill could be radiation, according to one neurologist

[Amateur Radio Operators – Barrie Trower – Brain Concussion – Chatham-Kent Hydro – Cold War – Covert Sonic Device Attacks on American / Canadian Embassy Diplomats – Dafna Tachover – Diane Schou – DNA Damage – Doctor David Carpenter – EHS Symptoms – EMF – EMR Military Weapons – Eric Zolov – FBI – Health – … Continue reading 2017-10-21 One explanation for diplomats in Cuba becoming ill could be radiation, according to one neurologist