2017-12-30 Compare how smeters exchanged in Texas vs. by BC Hydro

[EMR (Albert M. Manville, Cell Towers, EMF, Pets, Plants, Wi-Fi in Parks, Wilderness Organizations, Wildlife Conservation, Willie R. Taylor US Department of the Interior) – Site C (Adrian Dix, Costs, Democracy Watch, Independent Power Producers John Horgan, Kevin Aquino) – Smart Meters (Arcing / Explosions / Fires / Flashovers, BC Hydro, Corix, CPS Energy, CSA … Continue reading 2017-12-30 Compare how smeters exchanged in Texas vs. by BC Hydro

2017-12-20 The Provincial Minister of Health’s office knows nothing about smeters or RF.

[Kathy Read Letters to Adrian Dix, David Eby, John Horgan, Michelle Mungall, Mike Farnworth, NDP Ministers, Tim Lambert (Analogs, BC Hydro Smart Metering Program, BCUC, Benefits & Costs, Breast Cancer, Clean Energy Act, Design Flaws, Doctor Perry Kendall, DTE, EHS, EPRI, Extortion Opt-out Fees, Fire Report by Sharon Noble, Fires & Explosions, Health Canada Safety … Continue reading 2017-12-20 The Provincial Minister of Health’s office knows nothing about smeters or RF.

2017-12-14 Study shows exposure to EMF may increase risk of miscarriage

[Andre Fauteux – EMF Studies (Depression, Doctor De-Kun Li, Kaiser Permanente, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Risk of Miscarriage, Suicide) – Health Canada – IoT Security (Ann Cavoukian Privacy by Design Centre of Excellence, Axis, Connected Wireless Devices, Daniel Tobok Cytelligence Inc., Default Passwords, Defeway, GTA Clinic, Ontario Privacy Commissioner, Smart Appliances, Vivotek, Wi-Fi) … Continue reading 2017-12-14 Study shows exposure to EMF may increase risk of miscarriage

2017-12-13 Major press release by California Dept. of Public Health re. cell phones

[CDPH News Release re Cell Phones (AAP, Cancer, CDC, Children, FCC, Fertility, FTC, Karen Smith, WHO) – Cell Towers RFR Studies (Sachin Gulati, Anita Yadav, Neeraj Kumar, Kanu Priya, Neeraj K. Aggarwal, Ranjan Gupta) – DNA – Doctor Joel Moskowitz – Environmental Commissioner of Ontario – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – Itron – Letter … Continue reading 2017-12-13 Major press release by California Dept. of Public Health re. cell phones

2017-12-12 Dr. Martin Pall provides many thousands of references with evidence of harm

[Catherine J. Frompovich – Cell Phone Ban in Schools (Jean-Michel Blanquer, Philippe Tournier, Luc Chatel, Gerard Pommier, Emmanuel Macron) – Doctor Martin L. Pall – EMFs – Perry Kendall – Sharon Noble Comments on Michelle Mungall Reply Letter re BC Hydro Itron Smart Meters (BCUC, Costs, Fires, FortisBC, Health Canada Safety Code 6, IEEE, James … Continue reading 2017-12-12 Dr. Martin Pall provides many thousands of references with evidence of harm

2017-12-09 Nine years after a UN protocol to help protect the rights of the disabled was written, Canada has yet to sign.

[AAEM (Cell Phones, Cell Towers, Wi-Fi in Schools) – BC Green Caucus Letter to NDP – Children – Costs – EHS – Extortion Opt-out Fees – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – John Carroll & Sara Burns, CMP Central Maine Power Company re Power Outages Recovery & Investigation – Kent Hehr – Marcus Schluschen Letter to … Continue reading 2017-12-09 Nine years after a UN protocol to help protect the rights of the disabled was written, Canada has yet to sign.

2017-12-07 Adam Olsen wants Horgan to cancel Site C

[Adam Olsen (Ryan Clayton) Response to Janis Hoffmann & BC Green Caucus Letter to NDP – Andy Oudman Interviews with Doctor Martin Blank, Kevin Mottus, Laureen Maurizio re EMR – Arcing – David Casserly – David Lonergan – Hal Gillespie – Lloyd Burrell, ElectricSense Interviews Walter McGinnis, Electrician re Electrical Wiring EMFs – Melissa Chalmers, Electromagnetic Pollution … Continue reading 2017-12-07 Adam Olsen wants Horgan to cancel Site C

2017-11-27 (50) pages of complaints about higher bills after being smetered

[5G Microcell / Small Cell Antennas – ACS American Cancer Society – AMP Alameda Municipal Power – Bill Bennett – Christopher Rabe – Costs – Data – Doctor Andreas Scheler, Diana Henz, Wolfgang Schöllhorn – EHS – Gary Murphy – Health (Behaviour, Brain, Concentration, Headaches, Heart, Muscles, Sleep) – Janis Hoffman Letter to John Horgan, … Continue reading 2017-11-27 (50) pages of complaints about higher bills after being smetered