[4G LTE – Adrian Dix – Allan Frey – Analogs – Antenna – Auditor General of Ontario – Bees – BC Hydro Smart Metering Program Review – Benefits – Bills – Bob Mackin – Brain Tumours – Cancer – Cell Phone Headaches (Meninges Inflammation) & Nausea – Cell Towers RFR – Children – Class 2B – Clean Energy Act – Costs – Debt Deferral – DNA – Doctor Pierre Aubineau – Elaine Adair – EMFs – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – IARC Interphone & Lennart Hardell Studies – Itron – Keith Anderson – Killo Demudu – Liz Walker – Measurement Canada – Opt-out Fees – Powertech Labs – Prof B. Bharatha Lakshmi – Security – Sharon Noble Letters to John Horgan, Michelle Mungall, Claire Trevena, Sonia Furstenau, Andrew Weaver, Adam Olsen, Elizabeth May re BCUC & Smart Meter Fires: The Failure to Protect Report & Gross Negligence Liability – Short Lifespan (Bennett Gaines, First Energy Testimony) – Site C – Warranty – WHO – Wireless Mesh Network – Write to NDP & MLAs for Recall | Peachland & Surrey, BC – Ontario – China – Denmark – Holland – Andhra Pradesh, India – Korea – Sweden – Ohio, USA]
1) Bees are disappearing at an alarming rate in India. Many believe it is due to the RF from cell towers.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Cell towers, mobiles spell doom for honey bees
“Natural honey will become dearer and the next generations may have to content with factory-made artificial honey with population of bees dwindling across the country. Experts say high range of radiation levels being released by cell towers and mobile phones are making honey bees forgetful of their famed memory, resulting in their not returning their combs.
According to the research studies, the cause of the sudden decrease in bee population is radiation released from the cellular towers and mobile phones. The signals from the mobiles and towers are not only confusing the bees, but also sounding a death knell to them.”
2) Unfortunately, it seems that the NDP, the party that promised change, is not that different from the Liberals.They won’t respond to constituents, they use the same old hackneyed form letters about Safety Code 6, they will not even discuss smart meters, and they are now, apparently, playing games which will increase BC Hydro’s deficit. We need to push the NDP, to demand that they do what they promised. We can’t have more Liberal support of corporations, so the NDP must make this work.
Let’s continue to write to them, to educate them, to tell them that they must work to stay in office by helping us. Want to reduce BC Hydro’s deficit by $1 billion and prevent more good money flowing after bad? Recall the smeters, cancel the smeter program, demand our money and analogs back from ITRON.
On Hydro, B.C. Premier John Horgan borrows a trick from the Liberal repertoire
In a legislature debate in May, 2016, Mr. Horgan explained what was wrong with that tactic: “Under the BC Liberal watch, it’s now heading towards $6-billion of deferring debt, not for this generation and not for the people incurring the cost, but for future generations.”
Future generations of Hydro ratepayers already face a tremendous burden.
The Crown-owned utility that provides electricity to 95 per cent of the province is on weak financial footing, with an aging infrastructure that requires costly upgrades, plus $5.6-billion (at last count) in deferral accounts.
The NDP’s promised rate freeze will add another $140-million to the rate-smoothing account (one of the many deferral accounts) that continues to grow because rates haven’t kept up with the Crown corporation’s real revenue requirements.
3) BC Hydro and the government (NDP and Liberal) all say that the smeters will save money, that the benefits will justify the costs. But no one really can say what the costs will be because they are never ending. BC Hydro misled the government and the BCUC when it said that the lifespan is 20 years when it knew, or should have known, that this number is greatly inflated. The industry itself says that the lifespan is, on average, 5-7 years.

Also, the initial program costs far exceed any other at $555 per meter. Last year, BC Hydro admitted that 88,000 meters needed to be replaced at a cost of $200 per meter [https://web.archive.org/web/20200611044558/https://theprovince.com/news/b-c-hydro-must-remove-more-than-88000-smart-meters] (more than the cost for the new program on a per meter basis in some places). And BC Hydro says another 88,000 will need to be replaced or tested around 2019. They won’t tell us what the warranty period is – but from the sounds of it, I am guessing it’s 1 year. If the lifespan is 5-7 years, ITRON would be nuts to give a warranty that is longer.
The NDP needs to be reminded that the costs of this program are yet another major drain. Add in security improvements and updating, and the $1 billion price tag probably will end up closer to $2 billion. Please send this article from June, 2016 to:
Premier Horgan <premier@gov.bc.ca>,
Energy Min. Mungall <mem.minister@gov.bc.ca> or <EMPR.Minister@gov.bc.ca>
and your MLA [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/bc-contact-e-mail-lists/]. The only way to stop the bleeding is a full recall.
B.C. Hydro must remove more than 88,000 smart meters Jan. 2016
“New meters cost $200 each, including installation. Anderson said he was unable to release the budget for the replacement project and could not comment on the length of warranty for smart meters from supplier Itron.
“That’s commercially sensitive to Itron,” Anderson told The Province. “It’s something that we negotiated out past their regular warranty provisions.”
Under its old analog system, B.C. Hydro exchanged about 40,000 meters per year.
Doubts have been raised elsewhere in North America about the lifespan of smart meters. The 2014 annual report by the Office of the Auditor General of Ontario said “distribution companies we consulted said the 15-year estimate is overly optimistic,” compared to 40 years for an analog meter.
The report said smart meters are like other types of information technology: subject to upgrades, short warranties and malfunctions. Moreover, they will likely be obsolete by the time they are re-verified every six-to-10 years by Measurement Canada.”
4) Several studies confirm an apparent link between cell phone use and headaches. Many others have shown that the activity of the brain is altered by even relatively short phone calls.
From: Sharon Noble
Sent: November 19, 2017 7:54 PM
To: Premier John Horgan <premier@gov.bc.ca>
Subject: RE: Smart meter fire report
Dear Premier Horgan,
It has been 2 ½ months since I hand delivered this important report to your office, and yet I have not received even the courtesy of an acknowledgement.
A colleague spoke with someone in your legislature office about this issue and was told that everyone was told to not respond, to basically ignore the evidence that shows that smart meters are fire hazards.
I find this very hard to believe because I know you to be concerned about the welfare of your constituents. If it is true, I would certainly like to know what evidence you have that would negate everything I’ve gathered over a 3 year period.
= = =
From: Sharon Noble
Sent: October 9, 2017 12:07 AM
To: Premier John Horgan <premier@gov.bc.ca>
Subject: Smart meter fire report

Dear Premier Horgan,
It has been more than a month since I hand delivered this report and evidence, and I have yet to receive even an acknowledgement that you received it. The report itself is short – less than 50 pages of large print. I realize and appreciate that you are extremely busy and have many other issues requiring your personal attention, but could you please have one of your staff read it and summarize it for you?
Likewise, neither of your cabinet members has given me the courtesy of an acknowledgement, or an indication that anyone will consider investigating my charges.
Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving.
Sharon Noble
From: Sharon Noble
Sent: November 19, 2017 8:13 PM
To: EMPR.Minister@gov.bc.ca
Cc: Premier John Horgan <premier@gov.bc.ca>
Subject: RE: BCUC Smart Meter Fires — A report
Dear Minister Mungall,
It has now been 2 ½ months since you received my Fire Report with evidence showing that the smart meters which BC Hydro has installed on millions of homes are dangerous. I have yet to receive even the courtesy of an acknowledgement from you or your office.
Your attention has been devoted to Site C, I realize, but the smart meter program is another part of the Clean Energy Program that was improperly instituted, without oversight, by the Liberal government. This program is not only financially unsound but it is dangerous. In the binders that I sent via registered mail to your office (I have documentation that they were received), I have provided evidence that not only have smart meters failed and burned, but that laws and regulations are being violated by those for whom you now are responsible. Failure to address these violations and the dangerous devices that are on homes now will fall on your shoulders. Should this failure result in deaths or more property loss, you could be held liable for gross negligence since you have been informed.
I do hope that you still have the report and will ask that one of your qualified staff review it. Should the report have been disposed of or misplaced, please let me know and I will provide another.
Sharon Noble
From: Sharon Noble
Sent: November 19, 2017 8:19 PM
To: Minister.Transportation@gov.bc.ca; claire.trevena.mla@leg.bc.ca
Subject: BCUC Smart Meter Fires — A report
Dear Minister Trevena,
It has now been 2 ½ months since you received my Fire Report with evidence showing that the smart meters which BC Hydro has installed on millions of homes are dangerous. I have yet to receive even the courtesy of an acknowledgement from you or your office.
In the binders that I sent via registered mail to your legislative office (I have documentation that they were received), I have provided evidence that not only have smart meters failed and burned, but that laws and regulations are being violated by those for whom you now are responsible. Failure to address these violations and the dangerous devices that are on homes now will fall on your shoulders. Should this failure result in deaths or more property loss, you could be held liable for gross negligence since you have been informed.
I do hope that you still have the report and will ask that one of your qualified staff review it. Should the report have been disposed of or misplaced, please let me know and I will provide another.
Sharon Noble
From: Sharon Noble
Sent: November 19, 2017 8:30 PM
To: sonia.furstenau.MLA@leg.bc.ca
Cc: andrew.weaver.mla@leg.bc.ca; Adam.Olsen.MLA@leg.bc.ca; elizabeth.may@parl.gc.ca
Subject: BCUC Smart Meter Fires — A report
Dear Ms. Furstenau,
It has now been 2 ½ months since you received my Fire Report with evidence showing that the smart meters which BC Hydro has installed on millions of homes are dangerous. I have yet to receive even the courtesy of an acknowledgement from you or your office.
The smart meter program is another part of the Clean Energy Program that was improperly instituted, without oversight, by the Liberal government. This program is not only financially unsound but it is dangerous. In the binders that I sent via registered mail to your office (I have documentation that they were received), I have provided evidence that not only have smart meters failed and burned, but that laws and regulations are being violated. As someone who has demonstrated concern for others in your pre-elected-official days, I had expected that you would appreciate the effort it took to gather and prepare such detail. Also, I expected that you would show more compassion and respect for those who now look to you for help as an MLA.
Since the Green Party is caucusing with the NDP, it will share the blame should the violations and dangers being ignored lead to deaths or more property loss.
I hope you or some qualified member of your staff will review the report, should you still have it. If you disposed of it, let me know and I will provide another copy.
Hoping for a response –
Sharon Noble
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.”
~B.F. Skinner