2021-10-22 BC Hydro’s application for LED street lights — are they “smart”?

1) Medical devices connected to the IoT because “it is only fair”?? What happens when the internet is down? What about hacking? A great way to harm someone is by controlling necessary medical devices like insulin pumps or pacemakers. How is Adoption of Internet of Things Technology Driving Network Connected Medical Devices Market? “The internet … Continue reading 2021-10-22 BC Hydro’s application for LED street lights — are they “smart”?

2021-10-15 FortisBC’s commitment to “safety” and honesty

1) For decades, researchers have provided evidence that RF is potentially damaging to many biological systems, for both humans and animals, including insects. But until fairly recently, some studies were blocked from being published. Why? Money? Influence from the industry? And, in many ways, this evidence is still being blocked by FCC and, in Canada, … Continue reading 2021-10-15 FortisBC’s commitment to “safety” and honesty

Newsletters 2021-10 OCT

2021-10-01 – FortisBC Meters for natural gas in B.C. 2021-10-02 – In The Big Picture 2021-10-03  – No Newsletter 2021-10-04 – We Have Superheroes Helping The World 2021-10-05 –  A “Smart” Canadian hospital 2021-10-06 –  We need a whistleblower 2021-10-07 –  Fiber-to-the-home in Ontario 2021-10-08 –  Strategies from Massachusetts  2021-10-09 –  5G restricted near airports … Continue reading Newsletters 2021-10 OCT

2021-09-04 Fiber Optic Internet

1) In last night’s update [3) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-09-03-the-battle-against-a-cell-tower-in-qualicum-beach-continues/], I should have given you a direct link to register as an intervener in the FortisBC application for a gas “smart” meter. The page is at: https://www.bcuc.com/Registration-Intervener-2.aspx and the application for which you’re registering is the FEI CPCN for the AMI Project. 2) Re. intervention of the … Continue reading 2021-09-04 Fiber Optic Internet


2021-09-01 – Candidates Who Care Campaign  2021-09-02 –   FDA confirms RF interference with implants 2021-09-03 – The battle against a cell tower in Qualicum Beach continues. 2021-09-04 –  Fiber Optic Internet 2021-09-05 – No Newsletter 2021-09-06 –  Reminder re. FortisBC “smart” gas meter application 2021-09-07 –  More warnings re Hackable Devices 2021-09-08  – Webinar … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2021-09 Sep