1) Several people have told me they have registered as interested parties re. the FortisBC application. Many thanks. I hope that many more will. Here is the link.
(click on photos to enlarge)

I wrote my letter to the 3 FortisBC executives that I showed in last night’s update. I found their names here and guessed at the email address format, which worked. https://www.fortisbc.com/about-us/corporate-information/fortisbc-leadership-team My letter is below. I hope you will take the time to write one, too. They should be ashamed. I hope, if you write one, you will send to me so that I can share.
2) An article on a site that appears to be devoted to internet devices, technology, etc. gives reasons for using a “dumb” cell phone. I do not have and don’t want to have a cell phone, but if one is needed, certainly a dumb phone, that is turned off when not is use, seems far superior in many ways to a “smart” phone.
7 Reasons Dumb Phones Are Better Than Smartphones
“It is easy to imagine the advantages that even the simplest smartphone has over the most advanced dumb phone, but it may be much more difficult to realize the other side of the coin. In this article, I discuss just a few of the benefits of “switching back.”
Device Cost
Plan Cost
Underrated Features (GPS, Battery life, and Call Quality)
Radiation Concerns
Coolness Factor”
3) Good news from Australia from 2019 that shows that public pressure can make a difference. If a 5G rollout can be halted there because the public is concerned about the health effects, why can’t we do it here? You will have to scroll down because the article is quite spread out. Hopefully, this still holds true. I have written to a contact in Australia to find out if anything has changed since this article.
TPG abandons 5G over public concerns
“A senior TPG executive has claimed the company scrapped plans for a 5G network following “community pressure” over the health impacts of wireless technology.
Chief Operating Executive Craig Levy has told the Federal Court the company had become nervous about community concerns over its ‘small cell’ network rollout.”

From: Sharon Noble
To: “roger dall’amtonia” <roger.dall’amtonia@fortisbc.com>
Cc: “dawn mehrer” <dawn.mehrer@fortisbc.com>, “monic pratch” <monic.pratch@fortisbc.com>
Sent: October 16, 2021
Subject: Integrity of Fortis
Dear Mr. Dall’Amtonia,
I am writing you on the assumption that you are unaware that a very disreputable company has been hired to support FortisBC’s application for a gas smart meter. This company is Exponent. Please don’t take my word for it. Look at an independent, respected source: Business Ethics: https://business-ethics.com/2016/12/13/1724-big-companies-in-legal-scrapes-turn-to-science-for-hire-giant-exponent/
In case you are unfamiliar with Exponent, it has a long history of defending the most indefensible corporations and products, ranging from agent orange to tobacco and asbestos. Their scientists, according to Business Ethics, will twist science for any corporation willing to pay them.
Another independent source that decries Exponent as a “defender of the indefensible” is Dr. David Michaels. In 2008 in his book “Doubt is their product”, he identified Exponent as one of the foremost “product defense” companies, saying “While some might exist,” Michaels wrote, “I have yet to see an Exponent study that does not support the conclusion needed by the corporation or trade association that is paying the bill.”
Is this the kind of company with which Fortis wants to be associated?
FortisBC is a reputable company in Canada and commits, under its Safety and Environmental policy, to “communicate openly with employees, the general public and all stakeholders about our activities and the potential impacts on our safety and environment.”
If this is true, then I must ask why Exponent was hired to defend Fortis’s choice to install smart meters? Exponent is expert at obfuscating science, denying facts, and misleading. This certainly does not seem consistent with FortisBC’s commitment to open, and I assume honest, communication about activities and potential impacts on safety and environment.
Do you, Mr. Dall’Amtonia, believe that Fortis should be aligned with such a company or have its products compared with the likes of agent orange, tobacco, asbestos, arsenic, glyphosate, or the many other dangerous ones listed by Business Ethics? If you truly believe that the radiation from smart meters is safe, why does Fortis have to stoop to hire Exponent?
I do hope that deliberate consideration of the benefits and problems associated with gas smart meters can occur without the use of Exponent.
Sharon Noble
Please see below the info about the current Fortis application that is before the BCUC. One of the lead interveners prepared this and asked me to include in multiple updates. Many people are just learning about this, so please share with friends and families. I will have this in the next few updates for those who might have missed before.
1. To register as Interested Party (there is no deadline) to become and stay informed::
Register as an Interested Party to receive email notifications when public information is posted during a BCUC proceeding. You will receive immediate automated electronic notifications when information is posted to the BCUC’s proceeding page.
Under Proceeding name: choose/ click on FEI CPCN for the AMI Project (AMI: Advanced Metering Infrastructure, a distracting description of a project that involves microwave radiation, which is associated with negative biological effects to humans and environment)
2. And also PLEASE PLEASE ask that they send comments under:
Submit a Letter of Comment to share your views, opinions, and insights about an application or matter under review by the BCUC. Letters of Comment become part of the public evidentiary record and are reviewed by a BCUC panel before it makes its final decision.
(Again, under Proceeding name: readers must choose/ click on FEI CPCN for the AMI Project.)
I hope and wish VERY VERY much that all your readers do so in both cases, registering as Interested Party and sending Letters of Comment.
They cannot ask for questions to be answered by BCUC or FortisBC; however, they can send rhetorical questions!!!!
FortisBC Energy Inc. (FEI) Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) for Approval of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Project
In other words:
FortisBC is applying to replace over 1.1 million analog natural gas meter with microwave radiation(EMR) emitting smart meters in all of BC. EMR has been independently peer-reviewed-proven to be associated with negative biological effects in humans and the environment.
Again, please send this reminder daily at the bottom, it can very well be that your readers skip to read some/many of your updates for whatever reasons.
Also, they should send Letters of Comment a few times, if they can think of more comments as time progresses, with info supplied to them as registered Interested Party.
Please remember that silence is taken as agreement. If you don’t want another smart meter on your home, please let BCUC know.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons.” R. Buckminster Fuller