2017-05-07 Small Cells / Microcells being used inside arenas, shopping malls

[Andrew Weaver – Christy Clark – David Suzuki – Doctor Anthony Miller – EHS Sleeping Caps Protection Clothing – Election Information – Electrosmog – Elizabeth May – Health – Martin Blank – Microwave Frequency Radiation – National Academy of Sciences – Oona McOuat Letter to BC Green Party and Small Cells / Microcells Presentation to … Continue reading 2017-05-07 Small Cells / Microcells being used inside arenas, shopping malls

2017-05-07 – Small / Microcells being used inside arenas, shopping malls

[Andrew Weaver – Christy Clark – David Suzuki – Doctor Anthony Miller – EHS Sleeping Caps Protection Clothing – Election Information – Electrosmog – Elizabeth May – Health – Martin Blank – Microwave Frequency Radiation – National Academy of Sciences – Oona McOuat Letter to BC Green Party and Small Cells / Microcells Presentation to … Continue reading 2017-05-07 – Small / Microcells being used inside arenas, shopping malls

2017-04-28 EMF Plague Part 2

[Bees Murals – Cell Phones – DNA – Donna Fisher – EMF – EMR – Health – Microcells – Oona McOuat Letter to Green Party and NDP  – Smart Meters – Ted Archibald Cell Towers Presentation – Wi-Fi – Wireless Devices | Gulf Islands & Mission & Saanich North & Salt Spring Island, BC] & … Continue reading 2017-04-28 EMF Plague Part 2

2017-04-12 Cell phone use during pregnancy might be associated with behavioral problems in children

[5G – Andrew Weaver – Autonomous Cars – BC Hydro – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children’s Behavior – Doctor Alasdair Philips – EHS – EMF Safety Network – Elizabeth May – FCC – Fiber Optics – FortisBC – Green Party – Martin Pall – NHTSA V2V Radar RFR – Sam Milham / DE Dirty … Continue reading 2017-04-12 Cell phone use during pregnancy might be associated with behavioral problems in children

2017-04-11 Dr. Sam Milham “Smart meters are a public health hazard”

[BC Hydro Legacy Fees – Dirty Electricity Health Risks from Smart Meter SMPS Switching Mode Power Supply – Doctor Sam Milham – Earth Day Small Cells Performance Art with Oona McOuat – Health Canada – Letter to Bryce Casavant, NDP – Marg Friesen Non-Thermal RF Harm Studies – Olle Johansson EMF / RF Studies – Perry Kendall … Continue reading 2017-04-11 Dr. Sam Milham “Smart meters are a public health hazard”