2018-01-25 Is 5G being planned for small coastal communities plus ALL OF VANCOUVER ISLAND?

[5G From Blankets to Bullets by Arthur Firstenberg – Abilify MyCite – Antidepressant Side Effects – BCUC – BioInitiative Reports – Bipolar – Birds & Bees – Bluetooth – Cell Phones – China Communications Construction Co. Ltd. – Christy Clark – Cindy Sage – CRTC – Digital Tracking Pills with Sensors – Doctor Mitchell Mathis, … Continue reading 2018-01-25 Is 5G being planned for small coastal communities plus ALL OF VANCOUVER ISLAND?

2018-01-03 For FortisBC electrical customers — application for major rate changes

[2G – 4G LTE – AAP – Appliances – BC Hydro Smart Metering Program Investigation – BCUC Order G-5-17 – Bees – Bills – Cars – Cell Phones – Cerise Edwards – Children – Data – Doctor Joel M. Moskowitz – EHT – EMFs – EMR – FortisBC Rate Design Application – Glioma Brain Cancer … Continue reading 2018-01-03 For FortisBC electrical customers — application for major rate changes

2017-12-29 EMR named as one of the top emerging issues for Global Conservation

[5G Microcells / Small Cells (EMR, Wildlife, William J. Sutherland) – 2012 BioInitiative Report (Doctor Henry Lai, IARC,  Lennart Hardell, Michael Carlberg, Microwave Radiation Class 1 Carcinogen, Use of Wireless Phones & Evidence for Increased Risk of Brain Tumors 2017 Supplement) – Cybersecurity (Hacking, iPhone is the Most Hackable Phone (then Android), John McAfee, Privacy, … Continue reading 2017-12-29 EMR named as one of the top emerging issues for Global Conservation

2017-12-27 An update on the US Navy’s War Games and the fight to stop them by “Save the Olympic Peninsula”

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting (Brian Schatz, Cell Towers, Edmund G. Brown Jr., Ellen Marks California Brain Tumor Association,Fires, Frederick Hill, Internet Access, John Thune, Kelly Cole CTIA, Miscarriage, Safety, WTFs Wireless Telecommunication Facilities) – Addiction (Behaviour, Doctors, Gaming Disorder Mental Illness, Insurance, WHO) – André Fauteux (Bees & Birds, Cell … Continue reading 2017-12-27 An update on the US Navy’s War Games and the fight to stop them by “Save the Olympic Peninsula”

2017 -12-10 ICNIRP is reviewing RF guidelines which have been unchanged for 20 years.

[Cell Phones – Children – Doctor Dietrich Klinghardt – Generation Zapped Documentary by Sabine El Gemayel – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – ICNIRP Review of 1998 EMF Guidelines re RF Exposure Limits – Joseph M. Mercola (Alzheimer’s, Autism, Bees & Wildlife, Body Voltage, CFL & LED Bulbs, DE Dirty Electricity, Earthing, ELF, Glymphatic System, Shielding, … Continue reading 2017 -12-10 ICNIRP is reviewing RF guidelines which have been unchanged for 20 years.

2017-12-02 New report re. $mart phones — 400% increase in brain cancer in teens

[2G, 3G, 4G, 5G – ACS American Cancer Society – Animals & Plants – Bees – Brain Cancer Risk from Smartphones & Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children – Copper Telephone Wires – Cordless Phones – DE Dirty Electricity – Doctor Girish Kumar – Ecosystem – FCC – Fertility – Fibre Optics – Health (Alzheimer’s, … Continue reading 2017-12-02 New report re. $mart phones — 400% increase in brain cancer in teens


2017-12-01 – An industry “bent scientist” starts rumour about NTP study 2017-12-02 – New report re. $mart phones — 400% increase in brain cancer in teens 2017-12-03 – Tossing net neutrality could help 5G spread more quickly 2017-12-04 – A response to MLA “Shame” Simpson re. hydro bills 2017-12-05 – Another study showing changes in … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2017-12 DEC

2017-11-19 Shaw plans on blanketing Maple Ridge with WiFi hotspots. Comments needed by Nov. 22.

[Behaviour – Brain Development – CBC’s Sunday Edition with Michael Enright on Smartphones & Social Media (Addiction, Anxiety, Cutting, Depression, Isolation, Loneliness, Sleep, Suicide) & Guests Jean M. Twenge (Book iGen & Mental Health) & Clive Thompson (Education) – Cell Towers – Children – Cocaine – Corporations Control & Profit – Data – Doctor Patricia Daly, Vancouver … Continue reading 2017-11-19 Shaw plans on blanketing Maple Ridge with WiFi hotspots. Comments needed by Nov. 22.

2017-11-18 In Massachusetts a bent tobacco scientist hired to say RF from smeters is fine

[1996 TCA Telecommunications Act – AAEM – ADA – Alzheimer’s – AMR & AMI Meter Transmissions – Animals, Bees, Plants – CeCe Doucette – Children – Costs – Data Centres – Doctor Joseph M. Mercola – EHS – EMF – EVs – FCC – FortisBC (William Bailey, Exponent) – H3400 (Stephen Kulik) – Health – … Continue reading 2017-11-18 In Massachusetts a bent tobacco scientist hired to say RF from smeters is fine

2017-11-13 New info re. ways our exposure to environmental toxins can affect future generations.

[Alby Baker – Ana Wolpin – Analog Meter Readers – Annette Huenke – BC Hydro Review – Bees & Wildlife – Cancer – CDC – Chris Jones – Circadian Rhythm – Climate Change – Costs – Data Privacy – DNA – Dorn Campbell – Doug Milholland – EMFs – Environment, Genes & Exposome – Health … Continue reading 2017-11-13 New info re. ways our exposure to environmental toxins can affect future generations.