2018-07-14 More from Mark Hertsgaard and Mark Dowie about cell phones, cancer and industry

[4G – 5G Microcells / Small Cells – AIRWAVES TETRA Antennas – Animals – Apple – AT&T – Brain Tumours – Canadian Cancer Society (Rob Cunningham) – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – CTIA – Data – David Fewer – David Reynard Lawsuit (NEC) – Depression – Doctor Girish Kumar PowerPoint – EMR – Environment … Continue reading 2018-07-14 More from Mark Hertsgaard and Mark Dowie about cell phones, cancer and industry


2018-07-01 – No Update 2018-07-02 – Turning your Wi-Fi off before going to bed, and other remediation tips 2018-07-03 – Many questions about BC Hydro — What is going on?? 2018-07-04 – Smeters will be a major tool in IoT — getting and sharing our data, from homes and businesses. 2018-07-05 – The EU is … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2018-07 JUL

2018-05-09 Telecoms going live with 5G in several US cities later in 2018.

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas – Alexander Friedrich – Antoinette Stein, CHE EMF Working Group – AT&T – Cell Phones – CHE Collaborative on Health & the Environment Webinar – CIA (Gina Haspel) – Doctor De-Kun Li, Kaiser Permanente – DoD – EMR – FBI – FCC – Frank Barnes (Handbook of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic … Continue reading 2018-05-09 Telecoms going live with 5G in several US cities later in 2018.

2018-04-06 Excellent media coverage of cell phones, cancer and how industry hides the truth

[5G – Addiction (Dopamine) – American Cancer Society – Amy Goodman Interviews with Mark Hertsgaard – APA – Bent Scientists – Big Oil & Big Tobacco – Brain Cancer – Brian Ross, ABC News – Category 1 – Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age by Doctor George Carlo & Martin Schram – Children – … Continue reading 2018-04-06 Excellent media coverage of cell phones, cancer and how industry hides the truth

2018-02-23 SaskPower has not found a safe smeter to replace ones that caused fires

[5G Millimeter Waves from Space – Arthur Firstenberg Newsletter – Autism – BC Hydro – BCUC – Benefits – Bills – Canary Singles – Cell Towers – CFS – Chris Chandler – Costs – Data – Disclosure & Informed Consent – EHS Microwave Radiation Sickness – Elon Musk Starlink (Falcon 9 Rockets & Satellites) – … Continue reading 2018-02-23 SaskPower has not found a safe smeter to replace ones that caused fires

2018-02-15 US Intelligence warns against Chinese company that Telus has invited into our grid.

[3GPP 5G Living Lab Pilot – Adrenal Medulla – AT&T – Athletes – BC Hydro – BCUC Response Letter – Brain Gliomas – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children – Chris Wray, FBI – Copyright Law – CyberSecurity – Data – DocumentCloud – Driverless Cars – EAEM – EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation – EHS … Continue reading 2018-02-15 US Intelligence warns against Chinese company that Telus has invited into our grid.

2017-12-13 Major press release by California Dept. of Public Health re. cell phones

[CDPH News Release re Cell Phones (AAP, Cancer, CDC, Children, FCC, Fertility, FTC, Karen Smith, WHO) – Cell Towers RFR Studies (Sachin Gulati, Anita Yadav, Neeraj Kumar, Kanu Priya, Neeraj K. Aggarwal, Ranjan Gupta) – DNA – Doctor Joel Moskowitz – Environmental Commissioner of Ontario – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – Itron – Letter … Continue reading 2017-12-13 Major press release by California Dept. of Public Health re. cell phones