[4G – 5G Microcells / Small Cells – AIRWAVES TETRA Antennas – Animals – Apple – AT&T – Brain Tumours – Canadian Cancer Society (Rob Cunningham) – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – CTIA – Data – David Fewer – David Reynard Lawsuit (NEC) – Depression – Doctor Girish Kumar PowerPoint – EMR – Environment – FCC (Tom Wheeler) – George Carlo – H. Akman – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – Helen Coles – Henry Lai – IoT – ISED – Joel Moskowitz – Lloyds of London Insurance – M. Naziroglu – Mark Hertsgaard – Mark Dowie – Martin Blank – Michael McEvoy – Microwave Sickness (EHS / ES) – Motorola – NTP – ONS – Padre Dam Municipal Water District – Philip Morris International – Plants – Privacy – Propaganda – RBH – Riadh W.Y. Habash – Right to Know – Russell Brown – Safety – San Diego Water Smart Meters (Bills, David Akin, Independent Rates Oversight Committee, Jerry McCormick, Kevin Faulconer, Lee Ann Jones-Santos, Life Span, Mueller [Hersey], NBC Investigation, Readings, Stacey LoMedico, Vic Bianes, VOSD) – Open Letter to Elon Musk re SpaceX 5G Satellites – Schools – Scientist Appeal for 5G Moratorium – Studies – Tobacco Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act – Universities Suicide Clusters – War Gaming Science – WHO – Wireless Devices – WTR | BC – New Brunswick – Canada – EU – France – Israel – Russia – UK – San Diego, California, USA]
1) Another excellent article by Mark Hertsgaard and Mark Dowie about cell phones, EMR, and the facts that are being hidden from the public by the industry, the media (and the government).
(click on photos to enlarge)

The inconvenient truth about cancer and mobile phones
“We dismiss claims about mobiles being bad for our health – but is that because studies showing a link to cancer have been cast into doubt by the industry? …
Not one major news organisation in the US or Europe reported this scientific news. But then, news coverage of mobile phone safety has long reflected the outlook of the wireless industry. For a quarter of a century now, the industry has been orchestrating a global PR campaign aimed at misleading not only journalists, but also consumers and policymakers about the actual science concerning mobile phone radiation. Indeed, big wireless has borrowed the very same strategy and tactics big tobacco and big oil pioneered to deceive the public about the risks of smoking and climate change, respectively. And like their tobacco and oil counterparts, wireless industry CEOs lied to the public even after their own scientists privately warned that their products could be dangerous, especially to children.”
2) Many communities have experienced problems with “$$mart water meter$”, primarily concerning billing errors (usually to the benefit of the provider). San Diego is having to spend millions more than anticipated due to failed meters. Just as with BC Hydro’s electric meters, financial accounting is hard to come by.

– https://www.voiceofsandiego.org/topics/government/city-water-department-resisted-oversight-downplayed-smart-meter-problems/
City Water Department Resisted Oversight, Downplayed Smart Meter Problems
Amid hundreds of complaints of water bill spikes and problems with new smart water meters, the city water department has resisted public records requests, dodged its oversight board and misled the public about the extent of the issues, VOSD and NBC 7 found.
While neither the company nor the city has explained whether these exact issues affect San Diego’s smart meter program, a spokeswoman for Mueller said the company had shipped “just under 400” replacement parts to San Diego…
Despite months of questions and requests for public records, the city was unable to provide a comprehensive accounting of its smart meter program.”
(video 04:55) https://www.nbcsandiego.com/on-air/as-seen-on/San-Diego-City-Hides-Water-Meter-Glitch_San-Diego-488064951.html
3) Recent clusters of suicides by young people are causing questions to be asked. One factor could be the constant exposure to EMR. Telecoms target places which need money, schools, hospitals, senior citizens’ homes, and universities. In all of these places, the most vulnerable populations are also targeted, even if not deliberately. In the UK, as in Canada and the USA, the public cannot fight towers based on health – only aesthetics. This is something we must demand that ISED change in their policy. ISED says that so long as the emissions are below Safety Code 6, there is no evidence of harm and the telecoms will ensure their emissions are below SC 6. Both of these premises are incorrect. As we know from the many studies, health effects occur at fractions of the limits allowed by SC 6. And the telecoms do not ensure that their emissions are at the allowable limits or below. In a high percentage of randomly tested sites, the levels have exceeded even SC 6’s dangerously high levels.

– https://www.naturalblaze.com/2018/07/mobile-phone-companies-target-students-on-uk-university-campuses.html
Mobile Phone Companies Target Students On UK University Campuses (student suicides)
“In summary, it is clear that based on rudimentary knowledge of anything related to science, the environment and human biology, it is both dangerous and unethical to allow telecom companies to install masts within university campus grounds.
Universities in the UK are fairly rich businesses and should not need additional monies from telecoms companies if the technologies they allow on campus have not been safety-tested. In the UK, however, telecoms companies put their masts anywhere they like and the only challenge open for concerned citizens is on ‘aesthetic’ grounds. Concerned citizens cannot oppose planning applications based on safety grounds. Local Planning Committees of the English Councils cannot oppose telecom companies due to changes in local planning legislation proposed and passed into law by the British government. It is also interesting to note that one of the world’s biggest and well known insurers, Lloyds of London, does not provide any form of insurance cover for anything related to the use of microwave-enabled consumer products!!”
& http://emfguru.co.uk/mobile-phone-antennas-propagation-characteristics/
4) For nearly 30 years, the provinces have been fighting the cigarette companies to recover health care costs associated with smoking. After all these decades, the tobacco companies are being held responsible. The telecoms will one day face the same legal battle, but the costs will be higher, much higher. Not everyone smoked or was exposed to smoke, but everyone is exposed to microwave radiation. It is only when the costs for health care threaten to kill medicare that the government will finally become interested… IMHO.

Supreme Court rules B.C. doesn’t have to disclose health records to cigarette maker
British Columbia does not have to hand over the detailed health care records of millions of people to tobacco company Philip Morris International, says Canada’s top court. Friday morning’s unanimous Supreme Court decision clears a hurdle in the province’s quest to sue cigarette companies for billions in health-care costs.
Province argues tobacco firms should be compelled to help pay the cost of treating smoking-related diseases…
The ruling is the latest chapter in B.C.’s legal fight to force cigarette makers like Philip Morris International to compensate the province for the cost of treating tobacco-related illnesses — a battle that started in the late 1990s.
5) Elon Musk is working to place 1,000s of satellites around the earth so that no place will be free of 5G communications and signals. Here is an open letter to Mr. Musk.

Open Letter to Elon Musk – Planet Earth: Worldwide 5G Radiation from Orbit?
“This is very good endeavor seen from a purely technological view. But have you also considered its
ecological ramifications? You surely know that according to WHO mobile communication may cause
cancer. And many people suffer from electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). There are even indications
that mobile communications are bad for some plants and animals. (https://ehtrust.org/worlds-largest-
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“We can´t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”
~ A. Einstein