[5G Millimeter Waves from Space – Arthur Firstenberg Newsletter – Autism – BC Hydro – BCUC – Benefits – Bills – Canary Singles – Cell Towers – CFS – Chris Chandler – Costs – Data – Disclosure & Informed Consent – EHS Microwave Radiation Sickness – Elon Musk Starlink (Falcon 9 Rockets & Satellites) – Environment – Fires – Greg Klenke – GUARDS Global Union Against Radiation Deployment from Space Website – GWS – Hacking – Health Canada – Jerry Manegre – Jordan Jackle – Ken MacKay – Kevin Cole – Legal – Lyme – MCS – Montreal Protocol – Neptune E-Coder Wireless Smart Water Meters – Opt-out – Ozone – Phased Array Antennas Directed Beams – Privacy – Rafael De La Torre – RF Transmitters – Robert Westervelt – Santa Fe Alliance for Public Health and Safety Lawsuit – SaskEnergy – SaskPower Smart Meter Pilot Project – Security – Sensus – Sheena Hughes – Stephen McLin – TOU – Union of Concerned Scientists – Water Shut Offs – WHO | BC – St. Albert, Alberta – Saskatchewan – Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA] & (videos)
1) EHS has now been recognized by the dating world. Can the WHO be far behind with its formal recognition?

(click on photos to enlarge)
Welcome to Canary Singles
Online Dating for the Chemically Injured
Meet singles with multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), Gulf War syndrome (GWS), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EMHS), autism, Lyme, or other chronic health conditions induced, exacerbated, or perpetuated by environmental toxins.
2) In Los Alamos, New Mexico, hard questions are asked about security and privacy of data obtained by smeters. Many of them cannot be answered. More and more people are becoming aware of the vulnerability of the smeters to hacking.

Smart meter plan draws heated debate at meeting
The data collected would be available to the public and at least one board member was worried about security breeches.
According to the Department of Public Utilities, customer’s data would be stored by an “offsite hosted solution” according to Deputy Robert Westervelt. The information would then be sent to the Department of Utilities’ meter data management system, which the department would use to bill customers once a month.
Westervelt gave an example where the meters would record and send customer data to the database every 15 minutes.
When asked by Board of Public Utilities member Stephen McLin if the information would be public, Westervelt said that it is, adding that that has always been the case.
3) SaskPower has finished a pilot project on smeters for businesses but it has yet to find a residential meter that meets its standards for safety after there were 8 failed and burned meters and all smeters were removed. In BC, we’ve had far more fires and failures – BC Hydro and BCUC deny these have occurred and we are left with them on homes. Why is the government in Saskatchewan more responsible than the NDP government here? Why is SaskPower testing to make sure meters are safe when all BC Hydro is concerned about is accuracy?

– https://discovermoosejaw.com/local/saskpower-completes-smart-meter-pilot-project
SaskPower Completes Smart Meter Pilot Project
“Despite all the good news, it wasn’t that long ago that smart meters in residential areas were causing house fires back in 2014. Jackle said there’s been vigorous testing and planning and they don’t have a plan to install them on homes just yet.

“It is the eventual plan, but we don’t have a timeline attached to that right now. We’re working to find a meter that would be suitable for doing just that. Safety being our top priority, we’re running it through our own slate of tests and working with the industry to develop a meter that meets or exceeds present industry standards.””
4) Council in St. Albert, Alberta vote not to give full information to people about the wireless water meters they will be installing, apparently to avoid having to address concerns about health and privacy. If the city believes these are so safe and secure, then why the lack of transparency?

No info program for smart meters
City council defeats motion for “informed consent” on meters
“The meters, which use a radio-frequency (RF) transmitter to send data, have been a source of controversy among some homeowners since their roll-out began in December. This prompted the city to introduce an opt-out program for the transmitter.
Some of the fears residents have expressed surrounding smart meters include the possibility of privacy violation, since the meters track water usage throughout the day and may show a pattern of when people are home or away. Some residents also have questions about how RF waves may impact health…
Later in the meeting, council members voted down a motion from Coun. Sheena Hughes to have city staff provide “disclosure and informed consent” for the meters and RF device. Hughes was the only councillor to vote in favour of her motion.”
– https://stalbert.ca/home/utilities/water/water-meter-replacement-program/
– https://www.neptunetg.com/globalassets/products/literature/publication_e-coderr900i-10.15.pdf
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INDEHZzX-Rw
– http://emrabc.ca/?page_id=2695
– https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/?s=water+meters
5) Please see below an email from Arthur Firstenberg, a long-time fighter for the right to not be irradiated, about 5G from satellites. Very worrisome indeed.

From: Arthur Firstenberg [mailto:info@cellphonetaskforce.org]
Sent: February 23, 2018
Subject: 5G from space; Santa Fe lawsuit; Urgent needs
Dear Friends,
The Santa Fe Alliance for Public Health and Safety filed a lawsuit against the City of Santa Fe in federal court on January 11. The Alliance includes doctors, health care practitioners, psychotherapists, artists, teachers, a Health Department official, a city planner, a world class athlete and others who have lost jobs and homes to cell towers, or who have patients who have lost jobs and homes to cell towers. We are asking the court to declare Santa Fe’s 5G ordinance unconstitutional, and to rule that neither the State of New Mexico nor the U.S. government may prohibit a city from protecting its citizens. As far as I know, this is the only litigation of its kind in the United States at the present time.
Our litigation is assuming greater importance by the day, because the assaults on our planet are rapidly escalating, and we haven’t much time to stop them.

One week ago, Elon Musk announced an audacious plan to launch 12,000 low-orbit satellites “to beam an ultrafast, lag-free Internet connection” to every square inch of the earth. They will contain PHASED ARRAY ANTENNAS and will operate in the MILLIMETER WAVE SPECTRUM. In other words, 5G FROM SPACE. The first two test satellites were launched on a Falcon 9 rocket yesterday. News reports say “The initial satellites in the network are expected to come online next year.”
Each satellite will be the size of a mini-refrigerator and weigh about 400 kg. 4,425 satellites will be at an altitude of about 700 miles and 7,518 satellites will be at an altitude of only 210 miles.
To give you an idea of just how radical of an assault this will be, as of September 2017 there were a grand total of 1,738 operating satellites in orbit. About 930 of them were in low orbit (less than 1,000 miles above the earth). None of them were lower than 400 miles in altitude. Only 208 low orbit satellites were used for communication. Only 125 (Iridium and Globalstar) were for cell phone service. None of them provided high speed data. None of them were phased arrays.
The earth has never experienced anything like this. Even if Musk’s Falcon Heavy rocket could launch 100 of these satellites at a time, which is likely, that still means 120 rocket launches. If he wants to get them all up there in a year’s time, that’s one launch every three days. And there are at least ten other companies that want to launch thousands of satellites each to do the same thing. OneWeb plans to launch the first ten of its planned 2,400 satellites in May.
The earth’s protective ozone layer is still being depleted, scientists have just discovered, even though everyone thought the problem was solved by the Montreal Protocol. With so many rockets blasting holes in the atmosphere these days, that could be the reason. But nobody is talking about it.
The most current satellite database, kept by the Union of Concerned Scientists, is here: https://s3.amazonaws.com/ucs-documents/nuclear-weapons/sat-database/9-1-17-update/UCS_Satellite_Database_9-1-2017.xlsx
Musk’s scheme alone could cause a catastrophic ozone loss, and it could also destroy all life on the planet. Musk’s project is called Starlink.

GUARDS (Global Union Against Radiation Deployment from Space (http://stopglobalwifi.org) will have a teleconference this Sunday to discuss what to do. We need people with ideas, connections, and skills. Contact me if you want to help.
I need:
– a book publicist
– a webmaster
– a fundraiser (paid on commission)
If you can help with any of the above, or know people with excellent skills in those areas that I can hire, also contact me.
Arthur Firstenberg
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502
(505) 471-0129
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
If we remain silent, we kill freedom, justice and the possibility that a society armed with information may have power to change the situation that has brought us to this point.”
~ Anabel Hernández