2018-01-09 How many hundreds of microcells will be in each community, on each street?

4G LTE – 5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Addiction – Alex Markowetz, Menthal – Apple iPhone – AT&T – BCCDC – CalSTRS California State Teachers’ Retirement System – Cancer – Cell Towers – Chamath Palihapitiya – Checky – Children – DE – Design Flaws – DNA – EHS – … Continue reading 2018-01-09 How many hundreds of microcells will be in each community, on each street?

2018-01-08 Some industry people feel guilt about the harm done by their products.

[#DeviceFreeDinner – Adam Alter – Addiction – Adrian Ward – Alex McDonough – Anxiety – APS – Attie Sandink – Behaviour by Design – Ben Tauber – B.F. Skinner – Bills – Brain Power – Brian Merchant – Brian Sandoval – Cell Phones – Center for the Digital Future – Chamath Palihapitiya & Sean Parker, … Continue reading 2018-01-08 Some industry people feel guilt about the harm done by their products.

2018-01-06 The money trail that explains why the Cancer Society says no evidence that RF radiation is harmful

[ACS American Cancer Society – Analog Meter Suppliers – Apple iPhones – BC Hydro & BCUC Audits by Carol Bellringer, Auditor General – Bluetooth – Brain Glucose Metabolism – Catherine J. Frompovich – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – CEOs Against Cancer – Cerise Edwards – Clean Energy Act – Conflict of Interest – Corporate … Continue reading 2018-01-06 The money trail that explains why the Cancer Society says no evidence that RF radiation is harmful

2017-12-29 EMR named as one of the top emerging issues for Global Conservation

[5G Microcells / Small Cells (EMR, Wildlife, William J. Sutherland) – 2012 BioInitiative Report (Doctor Henry Lai, IARC,  Lennart Hardell, Michael Carlberg, Microwave Radiation Class 1 Carcinogen, Use of Wireless Phones & Evidence for Increased Risk of Brain Tumors 2017 Supplement) – Cybersecurity (Hacking, iPhone is the Most Hackable Phone (then Android), John McAfee, Privacy, … Continue reading 2017-12-29 EMR named as one of the top emerging issues for Global Conservation

2017-12-28 BC Hydro’s problems attracting attention in the USA

[BC Hydro (Co-ops, Deferral Accounts, FortisBC, General Electric, Privatization, Thomas Cheney) – Sean Arthur Joyce Letter re Editorial (Class 1 Carcinogen, Doctor Anthony B. Miller, EHT, Health Effects, Kaiser Permenente Study, Miscarriage, Power Lines, RF, Telecoms, WHO, Wireless Devices) – Smartphones (Behaviour, Children, Delaney Ruston, Documentary “Screenagers”, Matthew Burnham, Mental Health, Schools Ban Cell Phones, … Continue reading 2017-12-28 BC Hydro’s problems attracting attention in the USA

2017-10-24 Some excellent microcell letters that need to be circulated

[5G – 2017 Habit Summit & Technological Manipulation – Addiction & Dopamine – Aldous Huxley – Attention Economy – Bill Moyers – B.J. Fogg – Blackouts – Capitalism & Ethics – Cell Phones – Children – Chris Marcellino – Continuous Partial Attention / Distraction Caused by Wireless Devices & Social Media – Cyberattacks – Data … Continue reading 2017-10-24 Some excellent microcell letters that need to be circulated

2017-10-02 More smeter fires.

[5G – AAEM American Academy of Environmental Medicine – Brain Tumour Tracking – Cars – Catherine J. Frompovich – Cell Phones – Children’s Behaviour – Chris Wigley & John Whalen, Quinte West Fire Dept. – Danish Cancer Registry – Data Privacy – EHS – ELF – EMF – EWG – FCC – Health Canada Safety … Continue reading 2017-10-02 More smeter fires.

2017-09-24 A power surge, deliberate from an enemy like China, could cripple Canada for a long time

[5G Microcells / Small Cells – Barbara Kay – Bill Newell – Children – CIA – CST Website – Doctor Annie Sasco – Faraday Cage – Fire Safety Act 2018 – Homeland Security – IARC – IoT – Kate Kheel – Linda Ewart – Liz Walker – Peter Pry, American House Armed Services Committee – Pulse … Continue reading 2017-09-24 A power surge, deliberate from an enemy like China, could cripple Canada for a long time

2017-09-05 Telecoms, like Telus and AT&T, are manipulating customers re. fiber optic cable. We need to keep our landlines

[5G – A.J. Lowe, R.P. Blackwell, S.G. Allen, S.M. Mann, T.G. Cooper Study re Exposure to Radio Waves near Mobile Phone Base Stations – Alex Henney – Antennas – AT&T – Benefits – Bills – Cell Towers – Costs – Directive 2009/72/EC – EHS – Elimination of Copper Wire Landlines – FCC – Fibre Optics – … Continue reading 2017-09-05 Telecoms, like Telus and AT&T, are manipulating customers re. fiber optic cable. We need to keep our landlines