2018-05-17 Law school blog — “Technology and Human Rights”

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – 556 Ventures (Bill Ho) – AI – Apple (iPhones) – Argus Insights (John Feland) – AT&T (John Stephens) – Automation – Blockchain – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Cellular Networks – Elimination of Copper Wire Landlines – FCC – Health – Huawei – Legal … Continue reading 2018-05-17 Law school blog — “Technology and Human Rights”

2018-05-11 Why won’t smeter companies allow customers/rate payers know contractual details of deal made with utilities??

[AAP – Auburn Ocular Melanoma Page Community Facebook – BC Hydro – Big Wireless – Brain Tumours – Cell Phones – Charles Carlson – Children – Costs – Data Disaggregation – Digital Addiction – Doctor Screen-Free Mom – Dr. Oz – Ecotagious (Laura Cornish, Salim Popatia) Smart Speakers – EHS / ES Microwave Illness Symptoms … Continue reading 2018-05-11 Why won’t smeter companies allow customers/rate payers know contractual details of deal made with utilities??

2018-04-27 Time sensitive: April 30 proposal by Green Party to implement Precautionary Principle. Need members to support.

[5G – AI – ALAN Artificial Light At Night (Breast & Prostate Cancer) – Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel – AMA – Austrian Medical Association Guideline for Diagnosis & Treatment of EHS / ES – BBB – Blue Light (Melatonin) – Cell Phones – Children – Doctor Celia Sánchez-Ramos – Dr. Oz – ElectroSmog – EMFs – … Continue reading 2018-04-27 Time sensitive: April 30 proposal by Green Party to implement Precautionary Principle. Need members to support.

2018-03-18 Haida Gwaii homes, schools and hospitals to get wired internet via fiber optic cable

[Aecon – Air Gap Technology – Airplane Mode – Analogs – BC Hydro – Bills – Bluetooth – Brain Cancer – Cell Phones – Children – CityWest – Connect to Innovate – Council of the Haida Nation – EHS – EMFs – Environment – Grant Bierlmeier, FortisBC – Health – High Starting Current Motor Appliances … Continue reading 2018-03-18 Haida Gwaii homes, schools and hospitals to get wired internet via fiber optic cable

2018-02-28 In New Brunswick hearing, experts say smeter program is an uncertain, risky investment.

[4G LTE – 5G Millimeter mmWave Fixed Wireless / RAN Radio Access Network – 1996 Telecommunications Act – Agent Orange – Airline Wi-Fi Seamless Air Alliance (Airbus, Delta, GoGo, Sprint) – Animals – Apple iPhone & Intel 5G Modem – AT&T – Benefits – Bills – Brain Cancer – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – … Continue reading 2018-02-28 In New Brunswick hearing, experts say smeter program is an uncertain, risky investment.

2018-02-27 A major court ruling re pesticides in California could lead the way.

[5G Millimeter Waves (MMW) Health Effects – AARP – Apple iPhones – Bees – Bill Allayaud, Environmental Working Group – Brain Cancer (Sophia Hiestand) – Cathy & Ian Finley, Laurica Farm – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Chemical Weapons – Children – Debbie Friedman, MOMS Advocating Sustainability – DNA – Doctor Gunnar Heuser – e-Cigarettes – … Continue reading 2018-02-27 A major court ruling re pesticides in California could lead the way.

2018-02-08 Investors raising concerns with tech companies about mental health of children

[Alexander Ljung, SoundCloud Ltd. – Andrew Wilkinson – Attention-sapping Effects of Wireless Devices – BC Hydro – Bell Cell Towers – California State Teachers’ Retirement System – Center for Humane Technology – Chamath Palihapitiya – Children – Cigarettes – Contact Erik Andersen (not Anderson) re Stop Site C – Cost of Cancer in NSW – Cure … Continue reading 2018-02-08 Investors raising concerns with tech companies about mental health of children

2018-01-26 Wireless networks are a waste of money, only hard wired will meet future needs.

[4G LTE – 5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Siting Legislation – 1996 Telecommunications Act – Ajit Pai, FCC – Arthur Firstenberg – AT&T – BioInitiative Reports – Botnets – Brain Tumours (Gliomas) – Cancer (Head, Mouth, Neck, Pituitary, Thyroid) – Captured Agency – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Comcast – Costs – Cyberattacks – … Continue reading 2018-01-26 Wireless networks are a waste of money, only hard wired will meet future needs.