This newsletter is to bring you up to date on the current status of the Class Action Civil Lawsuit against BC Hydro, to inform you of the court timeline for submissions and court hearings, and to let you know we are going to need every one of you who believes in justice, truth and freedom to keep supporting this lawsuit with your time, effort and valuable donations!
We cannot allow ourselves to be divided and conquered, so we are asking as we never have before that you get on board with this lawsuit and keep it alive, so we will have the chance of winning back our rights, no matter which political party is in power.
Speaking at a recent public rally in front of the Parliament Buildings in Victoria BC: Jack Etkin longtime activist and host of many publicly broadcast video interviews on the topic of social issues of concern.
Mr. Etkin suggests that our real problem is control of politics by corporations who also own just about all the mainstream media outlets where the public receives it’s information.
The truth is simply not being told to the public on a long list of issues where the corporate addenda is involved. Do you really think you would be told information which would lead to a huge loss in corporate profit, even if it involved health risks?
Smart meters are much more than the stated better electricity meter. In home surveillance of everything you do is just around the bend and the reason for all the new smart appliances. Corporate Surveillance even while you sleep.