[BC Hydro – Cell Phones in Schools – Cherry Picking – Children – Digital Addiction – EHS / ES – EMFs – Espionage – FortisBC – Gas Meter / Propane Tank Smart Meter Fire Hazards – Health Canada – Jennifer McGuire – Letter to Your Local Representatives re 5G, Wired Fibre Optics & Smart Cities – Media Bias / Misinformation – NTP – Oona McOuat – Ramazzini Institute – Reply Letters to Esther Enkin & CBC Ombudsman’s Review of Marcus Schluschen Complaint re Bethany Lindsay Article on BC Human Rights Tribunal & Decision by Walter Rilkoff – Safety – Sharon Noble – Smart Grid – Studies – Telus Living Lab / Huawei & Security – UBCM 2018 Convention – WHO – Wireless Devices – Write to Health Authorities re Wi-Fi in Hospitals | Campbell River & Comox & Duncan & Nanaimo & Port Alberni & Salt Spring Island & Victoria, BC – Canada – Australia – China – UK – USA] & (audios)
1) Correction to letter in last night’s update [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-09-06-action-to-help-get-attention-at-ubcm-convention-next-week/]. This statement should be modified. I can find nothing indicating proof that cyber-espionage has occurred, but countries have major concerns about the potential.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Telus has partnered with a Chinese company, Huawei, which has been banned by the US, UK and Australia due to fear of possible cyber-espionage. Huawei has built the wireless transmitters being installed in the microcells that have been or will be installed outside all of our homes and is developing the 5G grid. Our personal security and that of our infrastructure is being put at risk by this new “smart” technology. There is a far more secure alternative — fibre optic cables.
2) CBC’s Ombudsperson responded to complaints about the article [http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/no-proof-b-c-boy-s-migraines-caused-by-wi-fi-tribunal-rules-1.4749336] written after the HRT decision re. the sensitive child suffering from Wi-Fi in school. Below is the response and replies several of us have written.

3) Wi-Fi has been implemented in hospitals on Vancouver Island, and more will have it soon. Why? Many patients are too ill to want to use their smartphones or computers, so why should they be irradiated so that a few others or visitors can use their gadgets?
Please comment and please write your health authorities about this – it’s nuts. If a person wants to stay connected with family, use the landline phone.
Provincial Health Officer <Bonnie.Henry@gov.bc.ca>

Victoria General Hospital, Royal Jubilee now wired for free public Wi-Fi
Patient started petition in April pledging need to stay connected with friends, family while in hospital

“The two installers returned. I told them I’d only accept an analog meter. He said okay but they don’t make them anymore and I’d be charged a $65 ‘refusal’ fee. He said it wasn’t his job to convince me. I walked with him to my meter to explain the gas being a hazard and the other installer right away said that he noticed that yesterday. They both agreed the gas was too close and that it definitely was a concern.
So this is interesting…I mentioned that I had talked to another electrician and he said he had to fix multiple receptacles in our region that had burned and, they seemed to be in agreement! It’s like they knew that fires did occur. They also acknowledged the concern for older wiring in my and other houses.”
[Propane Tanks – Letters: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/2015-07-04-hydro-quebec-admits-that-500-smart-meters-overheatedburned/
Letters: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/2015-06-28-list-of-cancer-clusters-near-cell-transmitters/
Collingwood, Ontario – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/2015-06-08-paris-appeal-addresses-ehs/
5) Today on CBC Radio BC Today there was a call-in discussion about having cell phones in schools. The “expert” was a sociologist. There was nothing about health and only a little about addiction. It would be a good idea if BC Today followed up with a discussion about health.

I hope you’ll consider writing in and asking for more info to be made available to parents and teachers about this.
Email: bctoday@cbc.ca
Sept. 7, 2018 Cellphones in classrooms.
or https://www.cbc.ca/listen/shows/bc-today/episode/15593433

From: Sharon Noble
Sent: September 6, 2018 8:58 PM
To: ‘CBC Ombudsman’ <ombudsman@cbc.ca>
Cc: catalyst007@shaw.ca; tghitch@shaw.ca
Subject: RE: Complaint regarding CBC Article
Dear Ms. Enkin,
Your response is disappointing in that it appears that you did not consider many of the points that I made in my complaint. Ms. Lindsay cherry-picked comments made in the decision which, inappropriately, seemed to mock the grandmother and mother, implying, if not saying directly, that the child T had been abused and/or used instead of being protected by caregivers. I take issue with your assertion that the article merely summarized the decision. It did not.
I quote from the article: “Now a teenager, T isn’t allowed to eat at restaurants because of the potential for EMF exposure, and his only regular social interaction is a weekly trip to a farm with other Fawkes students, according to the decision.”
Does this not sound as if T is being abused? These are Ms. Lindsay’s words, not the panel’s (Mr. Rilkoff’s) words. In truth people who are sensitive are forced to avoid places and activities that most of us attend without thought. This is because most restaurants, stores, and schools are filled with Wi-Fi transmitters, the very things that make them sick.
I believe that CBC owes the family an apology. But more important the public deserves more accurate information about this condition and this decision. There are thousands of people who are sensitive and because they are, they are stigmatized by people like Ms. Lindsay who fail to understand that the very devices that most people believe to be necessary for convenience are, in fact, making many ill. And, further to the point, these victims are canaries in the mine, showing that these microwave signals are dangerous.
May I suggest instead of writing about electro-hypersensitivity alone that CBC cover some of the most important scientific issues of our time? I can find no articles about 2 very significant studies that confirm the harmful effects of exposure to Wi-Fi. The NTP and Ramazzini studies have been lauded by scientists around the world (https://ehtrust.org/worlds-largest-animal-study-on-cell-tower-radiation-confirms-cancer-link/), but CBC has made no mention of either of them.
I would ask that you forward my comments to the appropriate departments. Hopefully someone will dare to do a real investigation into this issue.
Sharon Noble
= = =
From: CBC Ombudsman [mailto:ombudsman@cbc.ca]
Sent: September 6, 2018 1:04 PM
To: Dennis and Sharon Noble
Cc: catalyst007@shaw.ca; tghitch@shaw.ca
Subject: Re: Complaint regarding CBC Article
Dear Dennis and Sharon Noble:
Here is the link to the review on the CBC article – No proof B.C. boy’s migraines caused by Wi-Fi, tribunal rules.
CBC Ombudsman
Marcus Schluschen Complaint:
Letters: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-08-03-generation-zapped-getting-into-public-libraries/
Letters: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-08-09-anyone-with-advice-about-moving-smeter-away-from-home/

– http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/no-proof-b-c-boy-s-migraines-caused-by-wi-fi-tribunal-rules-1.4749336
From: Oona McOuat
Sent: September 7, 2018
To: CBC Ombudsman <ombudsman@cbc.ca>
Subject: Re: CBC Response
Dear Ms. Enkin,
Thank you for sending me your review of Marcus Schluschen’s complaint.
Unfortunately your response does not come close to addressing my concerns about the lack of balance in this article. While your review focused on what was not said (the “other” side of the issue ) and why, I am deeply concerned about what was said. The wording, framing, sentence structure, and the sources chosen to illustrate the Tribunal’s decision and the family’s position clearly showed a bias on the part of the journalist.
The sentences below would certainly draw anyone who was uninformed on this issue (the average reader) to reach the conclusion that the boy’s family was “wrong” and the Tribunal was “right.”
“But the reason the boy was isolated was that his mother and grandmother insisted he needed to be kept away from the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by Wi-Fi, cellphones and other electronics.”
“No proof B.C. boy’s migraines caused by Wi-Fi, tribunal rules.”
“But there is no scientific evidence linking those symptoms to EMFs, according to a report from the World Health Organization.”
“In fact, in studies where EHS sufferers have been intentionally exposed to EMFs, they did not exhibit symptoms of the condition or even detect they were being exposed, according to Health Canada.”
Yours Truly,
Oona McOuat

– http://www.ombudsman.cbc.radio-canada.ca/en/about/
From: X
Sent: September 6, 2018
To: CBC Ombudsman <ombudsman@cbc.ca>
Cc: Sharon Noble; tghitch@shaw.ca
Subject: Re: Complaint regarding CBC Article
Ms. Enkin
I am sorry you have taken such a narrow and technical view of journalistic responsibility.
It is very damaging to the credibility of CBC and I hold the CBC in much lower regard as a result of the article and your decision.