2014-09-25 Major new Bug getting into $mart appliances and $meters

Electro-Pollution a presentation by Dr. Ross Andersen Kelowna  Oct 1,  Oct 29,  Nov 25 – evening presentations (click here to see more details) Electro-pollution is the most serious health concern of the 21st century. California community giving free wifi via the Smart  grid. No choice, no escape!! Remember that Hydro collectors, the Cisco 1000 devices … Continue reading 2014-09-25 Major new Bug getting into $mart appliances and $meters

2014-09-12 Results of survey reporting health effects due to $meters

A survey regarding health effects of $$meters. A lot of very interesting information about symptoms suffered from exposure to $meters.   http://www.mainecoalitiontostopsmartmeters.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Exhibit-10-Smart-Meter-Health-Effects-Report-Survey2.pdf     More on the lack of cost-benefits from the UK. And these considerations do not look at the health and safety issues and the costs associated with the consequences.   http://www.metering.com/smart-meters-uk-gov-report-deals-a-heavy-blow-to-rollout / … Continue reading 2014-09-12 Results of survey reporting health effects due to $meters

2014-08-01 We must get those with Smart Meters informed about fires!!

1)  The BC Liberal Government and BC Hydro are misleading the public about Smart Meter Safety – again The govt’s and Hydro’s PR departments are busy misleading the public about the safety of the Smart meters yet again. I hope you will write letters to your newspapers, call radio stations, etc. and allow the public … Continue reading 2014-08-01 We must get those with Smart Meters informed about fires!!

2014-06-23 10 EU countries think Smart Meters aren’t worth the money

1)  EU finds that Smart Meters are Poor Value Smart meters are poor value, find 10 EU countries http://www.rtcc.org/2014/06/19/eu-efficiency-set-back-as-countries-delay-smart-meter-rollout/ 2)  Do you have an Itron C1SR meter – tell us We are trying to get a handle on how long some of the meters have been around. Thank you everybody for telling me about the … Continue reading 2014-06-23 10 EU countries think Smart Meters aren’t worth the money

2014-06-18 Digital meters C1S and CN1S – easily made into Smrt meters

1)   This explains the push for the digital meters on homes. Both digitals that I have been told are being installed (eagerly), at C1S and CN1S. As ITRON brags these can easily be fitted with a module converting them into communicating meters, capable of time of use measurements, and just about every other option the … Continue reading 2014-06-18 Digital meters C1S and CN1S – easily made into Smrt meters

Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation – David Carpenter – Full

Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation agfauteux | 11 juin 2012 (original at https://maisonsaine.ca/sante-et-securite/electrosmog/smart-meters-correcting-gross-misinformation.html) I believe that this article is so important that we must all read it. Quebec-based magazine La Maison du 21e siecle asked physician David O. Carpenter, former founding dean of the University at Albany (NY)’s School of Public Health, to comment an open … Continue reading Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation – David Carpenter – Full

2022-02-21 Major issues with home alarm systems if 3G service eliminated.

1) ANNOUNCING NAME CHANGE! (click on photos to enlarge) Stop 5G International Is Now Safe Tech International “We intend to continue awareness raising about safer and more balanced ways to integrate technology into our world — ways that respect and honor all life forms with whom we share this beloved planet and beyond. The new … Continue reading 2022-02-21 Major issues with home alarm systems if 3G service eliminated.