2021-10-23 AT&T partnering with US military re. 5G data

1) In response to the item in last night’s update see 3) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-10-22-hydros-application-for-led-street-lights-are-they-smart/, a member reports that LED street lights replaced the older lights in Chemainus this past summer. Odd, if the Application is still in process as it says on the website. I have asked the member if he has an RF meter … Continue reading 2021-10-23 AT&T partnering with US military re. 5G data

Stop 5G Global Protest Days – September 18 + 19, 2021

(click on photos to enlarge) Dearest Worldwide Community of EMF Aware People, There are three EMF Awareness/Envisioning/Action Day events planned for the month of September, all described at the corresponding links below. . September 18 + 19, 2021 – Global Protest/Action Days. Just three weeks left to get ourselves organized and out on the streets … Continue reading Stop 5G Global Protest Days – September 18 + 19, 2021

2021-08-23 Time Sensitive — Webinar 5G, Precautionary Principle on Tues. 10 am PST

1) Time sensitive. Just received, a webinar on Tuesday 1pm EST, 10:00 am PST. It will be in English. It does not appear to require registration. Hopefully, it will be recorded for those who cannot listen live. (click on photo to enlarge) LIVE WITH DARIUSZ LESZCZYNSKI (Finland) 5G AND THE PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE Tuesday, August 24th … Continue reading 2021-08-23 Time Sensitive — Webinar 5G, Precautionary Principle on Tues. 10 am PST