2017-03-27 Strong solar storm could affect those who are sensitive

[BC Hydro Smart Meters inside Premises – CBC’s Marketplace with Wendy Mesley & Cell Phones Safety – Children – Data from Smart Appliances ZigBee Chips – FortisBC – Geomagnetic Solar Storm – Health Canada – IoT – Jane Philpott Letters Please – Marcus Schluschen – NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center – Privacy – RF Meter iPhone … Continue reading 2017-03-27 Strong solar storm could affect those who are sensitive

2017-02-27 A victory in Calif — report re. cell phone risk must be released

[5G – Apple iPhone 7 Plus Burned Lithium Battery – Cell Towers – Children – Doctor – Health Canada – Industry Canada – Joel Moskowitz – Microcells – National Toxicology Program NTP – Perry Kendall – RFR – Right to Know Cell Phone Risks – Safety Code 6 – Smart Grid Security – Superior Court Judge – … Continue reading 2017-02-27 A victory in Calif — report re. cell phone risk must be released

2016-12-04 Time to hold Bennett and Clark accountable and demand change to Clean Energy Act.

1)    There is now enough evidence of all kinds to refute the justification that Bill Bennett and the Liberals gave for the Clean Energy Act’s forcing everyone in BC to have a smeter. I suggest we confront Bill Bennett on the many things we’ve learned that shows that all the reasons, all the promises, etc. … Continue reading 2016-12-04 Time to hold Bennett and Clark accountable and demand change to Clean Energy Act.

2016-11-30 Pets are reacting to and suffering from smeters and other wireless devices.

1)    People with pets have noticed bizarre behaviors that seem to be associated with wireless devices, such as smeters. Many have had pets become ill or have had pre-existing conditions exacerbated by exposure to increased levels of RF. I live near multiple cell and FM transmitters and many of my neighbours have had dogs get … Continue reading 2016-11-30 Pets are reacting to and suffering from smeters and other wireless devices.

2016-11-18 BC Hydro admits some “transmitter off” smeters were transmitting signals

1)      Thanks to the knowledge and perseverance of one of our members who found that some “transmitter off” meters actually were transmitting signals, BC Hydro has admitted that an “error” occurred with 300 meters. The letter from BC Hydro is below. We were told that BC Hydro cannot turn the transmitter off, that it would … Continue reading 2016-11-18 BC Hydro admits some “transmitter off” smeters were transmitting signals

2016-11-08 BC Hydro thugs intimidate homeowner and allow no choice re. transmitter-off meter

1)    Santa Fe Municipal Council considers turning Wi-Fi off to accommodate sensitive people attending a meeting to discuss access of public property by telecom companies. http://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/local_news/city-considers-turning-off-wi-fi-for-hearing-on-telecommunications/article_9fbf85ae-31c1-51a3-b075-7b10bce4819d.html 2)    Increases in thyroid cancer seem to mirror introduction of iPhone and 3G technology. ”In recent years there has been a break of the trend with a much more … Continue reading 2016-11-08 BC Hydro thugs intimidate homeowner and allow no choice re. transmitter-off meter

2016-11-05 & 06 BC Hydro claiming major reductions in power theft due to “$$mart” technology

1)    A member recommended this YouTube with Barrie Trower speaking about Wi-Fi and his experience in UK military intelligence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyLliHGQIT0 – https://www.google.ca/search?client=firefox-b-ab&dcr=0&ei=6bGdWtzbCYzojwTr5oSgBw&q=barrie+trower+youtube&oq=barrie+trower+youtube&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i22i30k1l2.13199.13199.0.13484.….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.1.115….0.i_k7tZW5BSI 2)    BC Hydro claims smeter technology has identified $100 million in grow-op thefts — so why haven’t the rates gone down? BC Hydro uses new technology to stop theft, spot grow-ops “About 4,000 … Continue reading 2016-11-05 & 06 BC Hydro claiming major reductions in power theft due to “$$mart” technology

2016-11-03 & 04 Flaw found in wireless ‘smart’ technology that makes hacking easy

There will be no update tomorrow night as I will be traveling.   1)    New report finds that the “smart” devices are the route for hackers and viruses. ZigBee chips appear to be the entry way. $$meters have ZigBee chips and so do all “$mart” appliances and electronics. “Researchers report in a paper to be … Continue reading 2016-11-03 & 04 Flaw found in wireless ‘smart’ technology that makes hacking easy

2016-09-18 Wireless tech in school benefits only the corporations

1)    An interesting article sent in by a member with predictions about changes in energy production over the next 10-15 years. “This is a technology-based disruption reminiscent of how the cell phone, Internet, and personal computer swept away industries such as landline telephony, publishing, and mainframe computers. Just like those technology disruptions flipped the architecture … Continue reading 2016-09-18 Wireless tech in school benefits only the corporations