All posts by Ted

Radiation protection in conflict with science


The world if overflowing in data and information and it is difficult to keep focused on what is important.  I search and follow many links and sometimes find very valuable items.  This is one.  Please read.

Radiation protection in conflict with science

by Pr Franz Adlkofer  – 2011


EHS RETREATS – In this article there is reference to the Area for the EHS – Forest Saoû France a retreat for those suffering from EHS.   Do a web search and read.  This was a good idea until the governments shut it down.  I must research more on EHS safety sites.

Here is a new link on the French EHS retreats –  –  I have no ideal if this is still active.



EHS = Electrosensitivity: “A Disability that Cannot be Dismissed”

“Sciences et Avenir” interviewed Dr. Pierre Biboulet, the medical expert appointed by the Court of Toulouse which for the first time in France accorded an adult with disabilities allowance for reasons of hyper-electrosensitivity.  (also EHS = electro hyper sensitivity)


Cellular Deception


Links from video

eNodeB Antennas – Close and Personal

Over 60 scientific studies reporting potential harm at or below Safety Code 6 (2015), Health Canada’s guidelines for safe human exposure to radio frequency/microwave radiation

Will We All Become Electrosensitive? (pdf)


Is Wi-Fi Safe for Children?
Beware of Health Risks

Citizens: Unite Against Microcell Transmitters – Petition


Microcell antennae pose new threat to health

Telus in Canada and other major Cellular service providers are now installing small microcell towers on existing telephone or power poles.  This is done to have better service to customers and to avoid the possibility of community objections.

Chris and I recently surveyed several of these new microcell transmitters in Mission BC and found that the RFRadiation created by these microcells was very high especially to those home that were close by.

If you research the precautionary levels of RFRadiation recommended by various agencies you will see that many recommend 1000 µW/m² and lower.  The house we measured had over 30,000 µW/m² in the front yard and an estimated 50-60,000 µW/m² in the house.

You can learn more about Microcell installation which are also called eNodeB.  click here

Olympic Peninsula US Navy War Games


Olympic Peninsula US Navy War Games

It’s full-court press time for western Washington and Southwestern Vancouver Island and all the islands in between. The Navy is coming to 5 communities to talk about the new Growler Jet Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS.) They are not, however, extending this courtesy to Canada, despite subjecting them to significant jet noise. Attached are some talking points and questions about the DEIS that are like Cliff’s Notes for some of the major public concerns. This DEIS is starkly alarming on so many levels.

Talking points and potential questions for people to ask Navy officials at public “open houses” in early December, on the new Growler Draft EIS.

see details here – talking-points-and-potential-questions-navy-growler-eis

Find the Growler EIS here:

The Smart Meter is the “Hazardous Condition”

Here is a very interesting article from Michigan Stop Smart Meters by William Bathgate, Electrical Engineer explaining some of the many problems with the Smart Meters.

Part of this article is quite technical but you can skip that.  There are many excellent comments at the end that are really useful in the fight against Smart Meters.


Triggering Agents of Electromagnetic Sensitivity – Dr. William Rea

Triggering Agents of Electromagnetic Sensitivity, a presentation and Q&A by Dr. William Rea, M.D..

Dr. Rea presented his compelling evidence and recommendations for a healthier world at Creating Safe Havens in a Toxic, Electromagnetic World, a conference hosted by the International Institute for Building-Biology & Ecology.

View this 45 minute Youtube video.

Triggering Agents of Electromagnetic Sensitivity

Originally on