2018-12-15 Potentially a dangerous precedent has been set with smeters and Hydro

1)   A member shared a letter from the Federal Minister of Infrastructure congratulating one community for participating in the “smart city” program. https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Smart-Cities-Challenge-Letter-to-District-of-Central-Saanich-November-30-2018.pdf It  seems the feds are asking each participant to help design propaganda to encourage others to join, and with which to “sell” the concept to the public, by making their proposed projects “replicable … Continue reading 2018-12-15 Potentially a dangerous precedent has been set with smeters and Hydro

2018-12-15 Potentially a dangerous precedent has been set with smeters and Hydro

1)   A member shared a letter from the Fed. Minister of Infrastructure congratulating one community for participating in the “smart city” program. It  seems the feds are asking each participant to help design propaganda to encourage others to join, and with which to “sell” the concept to the public, by making their proposed projects “replicable and … Continue reading 2018-12-15 Potentially a dangerous precedent has been set with smeters and Hydro

2018-12-11 UN Declaration of Human Rights being ignored?

1) A member recommended a CBC program with Peter Mansbridge in which he addressed the UN Declaration of Human Rights status on its 70th anniversary  (see Letter by member)  https://www.cbc.ca/documentaries/upholding-human-rights-in-the-face-of-a-changing It is worthwhile (and, IMHO, relevant) to read the Declaration which Canada accepted and signed.  See, for example, Article 12. Isn’t it so that our … Continue reading 2018-12-11 UN Declaration of Human Rights being ignored?

Newsletters 2018-12 DEC

2018-12-01/02 – electromagnetic pulse warning from us military 2018-12-03 – US Senator presses FCC re. 5G safety. 2018-12-04 – Attorney General ignores ITRON’s illegal use of smart meters 2018-12-05 – Major warnings about Huawei and Privacy 2018-12-06 – Cyber threats targeting homes 2018-12-07 – New study shows potential harm from milliwave exposure 2018-12-08 – Electrosmog … Continue reading Newsletters 2018-12 DEC

2018-11-26 Americans for Responsible Technology , 5G, legislator education

[5G – 1996 Telecommunications Act Section 704 – ART Americans for Responsible Technology – Capacitor – DE Dirty Electricity – Educate Your MP – EHS / ES – FCC – FDA – FIT – Health – Itron – NIH – NTP – Ofgem – Radio-off Smart Meters – RF Microwave Radiation – SLC33 – SMPS – Solar – STA … Continue reading 2018-11-26 Americans for Responsible Technology , 5G, legislator education