[Analogs – Clean Energy – Consumption – Data for Sale – DE Dirty Electricity – Direction of Signals – EHS / ES – Electric Tariff – EMR – Fires – Hot Sockets – Jeremy – P. Foot Letter to Gord Doyle, Customer Relations re Measurement Canada Certificate (Seal) Expired Notification Letter – Sleep Apnea Machine – Smart Meter Replacements – SMPS – Write to David Eby re BC Hydro Itron Smart Meters & Legality of Active Grid IoT Commercial Uses Without Consent – William Bathgate | BC – California, USA]
1) Below is a form letter response from the Attorney General, David Eby, to a letter concerned with the illegal actions intended by ITRON. This is a non-response, an attempt for Attorney General Eby to get away without doing his job, which is to ensure that the government and its agencies (like BC Hydro) are acting and interacting in legal manners. By allowing ITRON to use the smeters that BC Hydro owns and has put on our home for purposes other than for gathering data for billing, BC Hydro is not acting in a way as required by the laws, the Clean Energy Act and the Electric Tariff.
(click on photos to enlarge)

I hope that everyone will take the time to write to Mr. Eby and, in advance, anticipate that you, too, will receive this form letter. Tell him that you want him to do his job as outlined in his job description. He says it is to give legal advice to the government and agencies. Should he not be telling BC Hydro that the smart meter program envisioned and intended by ITRON is illegal? He is the provincial lawyer, our lawyer, to intercede on our behalf when needed.
[Attorney General – The mission of the Attorney General is to administer justice, deliver public safety services and programs, lead emergency management and provide legal advice to Government….
The Ministry of Attorney General often consults with British Columbians on legislation and policy. Public feedback is important because it helps government shape new laws and policies….
2) Corrected link for the SMPS in last night’s update [1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-11-26-americans-for-responsible-technology-5g-legislator-education/].

from https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Evaluation-of-the-ITRON-Open-Way-AMI-Meter-PowerPoint-by-William-Bathgate-Jan.12-2017-v8-3-2-2017.pdf
or https://tinyurl.com/SMPSBoard
From the Cowichan Valley Citizen (This letter is circulating in the USA, too. Someone in California sent it to me.)

Smart meter assurances required to switch out analogue

Date: 27 Nov 2018
Subject: AG File No. ######
To: X
Cc: Minister, EMPR EMPR:EX <EMPR.Minister@gov.bc.ca>
Dear X
Thank you for your email of November 4, 2018, regarding the smart meter program.
I note your concerns regarding the program. The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources is responsible for that program; therefore, I have referred a copy of your email to the Honourable Michelle Mungall, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, for her information.
With respect to your specific concerns regarding the privacy implications of the smart meter program, you may wish to contact the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia. That office, which is independent of government, monitors and enforces British Columbia’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and Personal Information Protection Act. The office can be reached at the following address:
Office of the Information and Privacy
Commissioner for British Columbia
PO Box 9038 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9A4
Location: 3rd Floor – 756 Fort Street
Victoria BC V8W 9A4
Telephone: 250-387-5629
In your email, you ask whether you can be compelled to accept a smart meter in your home as a condition of gaining access to electricity. You also ask whether it is lawful for electrical meters to be used for purposes other than measuring electricity usage without the customer’s consent. Answering your questions would involve providing legal advice to you. As Attorney General, I provide legal advice to the provincial government, not to members of the public. It would therefore be inappropriate for me to advise you in this matter.
If you believe that the current program breaches any legal rights, you may wish to seek independent legal advice. My role as Attorney General does not extend to providing legal advice to members of the public. However, a number of groups in this province provide free legal services and information under certain circumstances. Although this ministry does not endorse or confirm the accuracy or completeness of information or advice provided by any of the following resources, I understand that the following resources are currently available to British Columbians.
Access Pro Bono Society of British Columbia
300 – 845 Cambie Street
Vancouver BC V6B 4Z9
Telephone: 604-878-7400
Toll-free telephone in BC: 1-877-762-6664
Facsimile: 604-893-8934
Email: help@accessprobono.ca
Website: www.accessprobono.ca
Clicklaw: www.clicklaw.bc.ca
The Law Centre
Suite 225 – 850 Burdett Avenue
Victoria BC V8W 0C7
Telephone: 250-385-1221
Facsimile: 250-385-1226
Email: reception@thelawcentre.ca
Website: http://thelawcentre.ca
For those who are unable to find free legal advice, the following service can refer individuals to a lawyer in their area who will meet with them for up to 30 minutes for a fee of $25 plus applicable taxes.
Lawyer Referral Service
Telephone: 604-687-3221
Toll-free telephone in BC: 1-800-663-1919
Website: www.cbabc.org/For-the-Public/Lawyer-Referral-Service
If you believe that the program operates so as to result in unfairness, you may wish to contact the Office of the Ombudsperson of British Columbia. Individuals who believe that they have been treated unfairly by a Crown corporation such as BC Hydro or a ministry of the provincial government may consider contacting that office. As an independent Officer of the Legislature, the Ombudsperson has the authority to investigate complaints about the actions and decisions of public agencies, including Crown corporations and provincial ministries. Before considering an investigation, however, I understand that office generally requires that other avenues of complaint and appeal have first been exhausted. You should also be aware that the Ombudsperson does not have authority to investigate or review court proceedings. The Office of the Ombudsperson can be reached at the following address:
Office of the Ombudsperson
2nd Floor – 947 Fort Street
PO Box 9039 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9A5
Telephone: 250-387-5855
Toll-free telephone: 1-800-567-3247
Information about the role of the Ombudsperson is also available at the following website: https://bcombudsperson.ca/
I appreciate your taking the time to write.
Yours truly,
David Eby, QC
Attorney General
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.”
~ J. Watkins.