2020-08-04 A great 5G flyer from EHT

1) Environmental Health Trust (thanks, Theodora) has made a wonderful 2 page flyer that she hopes we will share widely with information about 5G. https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Climate-Change-5G-and-the-Internet-of-Things-Factsheet-by-Environmental-Health-Trust-December-10-2019.pdf This is a great piece to share at meetings, to hand out widely to educate people about some of the major problems in addition to health effects. Climate Change, 5G … Continue reading 2020-08-04 A great 5G flyer from EHT

2020-07-23 Canada’s telecoms’ control of media

1) Lawsuit in Maine against a power company that is in the process of installing a radar system in a Globally Important Bird Conservation Area designated by the American Bird Conservancy. Radar can use a wide range of frequencies up to and including milliwaves. https://www.rfwireless-world.com/Tutorials/radar-bands.html “West Bath, Maine 7/21/20: Today in Maine Superior Court, Friends … Continue reading 2020-07-23 Canada’s telecoms’ control of media

2020-06-29 Health Canada’s “statutory” responsibility

1) A new documentary “Thank you for calling” which is about the telecom industry. Here is a trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cSnT8ytRNM     or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjO6_7IBGb8&feature=emb_share&fbclid=IwAR1LePsSO7DYFOh5JrOBBCYfBPFwFdT5rCnQ0mOp30TbyDMuAB51oqHE0uM I have not seen it, but hope to. It can be rented or purchased at: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/thankyouforcalling2  (01:46 min.) http://www.ty4c.com/ 2) In an attempt to connect with some environmental groups, I am hoping that … Continue reading 2020-06-29 Health Canada’s “statutory” responsibility