Letter to elected officials by Jerry Flynn 5G, magnetic fields

Dear Elected Officials, For your sake and that of your constituents, please give this “5G” (fifth generation) technology ‘radiation’ the urgent attention it deserves! Read the Dec. 3, 2018 news release from Washington, D.C.: “U.S. Senator Blumenthal from CT and REP. Eshoo from CA, both members of the Senate Committee that oversees the FCC (Federal … Continue reading Letter to elected officials by Jerry Flynn 5G, magnetic fields

2018-12-03 US Senator presses FCC re. 5G safety.

1)  A couple of US politicians are asking for documentation re. safety of 5G.. Critical questions that our MPs should be asking. Blumenthal Presses FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr to Disclose Evidence of ‘5G Safety’ “The National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy (NISLAPP) applauds Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)  [and Congresswoman Anna Eshoo (D-CA)] … Continue reading 2018-12-03 US Senator presses FCC re. 5G safety.

2018-11-26 Americans for Responsible Technology , 5G, legislator education

[5G – 1996 Telecommunications Act Section 704 – ART Americans for Responsible Technology – Capacitor – DE Dirty Electricity – Educate Your MP – EHS / ES – FCC – FDA – FIT – Health – Itron – NIH – NTP – Ofgem – Radio-off Smart Meters – RF Microwave Radiation – SLC33 – SMPS – Solar – STA … Continue reading 2018-11-26 Americans for Responsible Technology , 5G, legislator education

Martin Pall’s book on 5G is available online

  From Martin Pall PhD, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University Please access my 90 page, seven chapter document on EMF effects, how they are produced in the body and the corruption of the international science: http://peaceinspace.blogs.com/files/5g-emf-hazards–dr-martin-l.-pall–eu-emf2018-6-11us3.pdf Martin Pall