BCUC Fire Reports – Introduction

From: Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters <dsnoble@shaw.ca> Subject: Update 2016-05-18  Special report on fires COVERING LETTER FOR “RESPONSES TO BCUC FIRE REPORT DRAFT”: As you all know, last June and July I submitted an official complaint to BCUC charging that it was BCUC’s responsibility under the BC Utilities Commission Act to protect … Continue reading BCUC Fire Reports – Introduction

2016-07-19 O’Dwyer addresses the steady increase in autism that seems to mirror the increase in wireless devices

 1)    In the UK, one of the leading $$meter companies is up for sale. There has been a lot of discussion about safety and security which has led to a long delay in the start of the program. “The British Government aspires to roll out smart meters across the whole of the UK’s approximately 26m … Continue reading 2016-07-19 O’Dwyer addresses the steady increase in autism that seems to mirror the increase in wireless devices

BCUC Fire Report – Segment #6 – Smart Meters are exempt from Electrical Safety Regulations

1)   Finally — attempts to protect the power grid from cyber attacks, which are real and possibly devastating to our way of life. Defending against cyber attacks is a mission with new urgency following the Internet-based disruption of Ukraine’s power grid in December 2015—a sophisticated hack planned and executed over more than six months by … Continue reading BCUC Fire Report – Segment #6 – Smart Meters are exempt from Electrical Safety Regulations

2016-07-13 Judge’s decision available to read.

1)    Judge Adair’s decision can be read at: http://citizensforsafetechnology.org/Judgment-of-Madam-Justice-Adair,85,4472 Will try to have comments soon –  but as CBC below says, the Judge has left the door open. It is not a declaration that $$meters are safe. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/smart-meter-bc-hydro-1.3678104 2)    Planetworks, which is in the business of supporting companies looking for space to put cell transmitters … Continue reading 2016-07-13 Judge’s decision available to read.


2016-07-01 – Another young person with brain cancer 2016-07-02 – Driver of driverless car killed in accident 2016-07-03 – Is Telus’s fiber optic cable something more? 2016-07-04 – Warnings about EMFs in another mainstream magazine. 2016-07-05 – Australian investigative reporter suspended for Wi-Fried program 2016-07-06 – A copy of video “Wi-Fried” found. 2016-07-07 – 500,000 … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2016-07 JULY

2016-06-26 Neptune water $$meters in Michigan emit strong signals every 14 seconds. Do they here?

1)    Below in Letters is one written by a member to Mr. Adam Taylor of the Marmot Recovery Foundation in Nanaimo. In response to this email, Mr. Taylor expressed great concern about the possible effects of RF and has asked for studies involving rats and other small mammals. He, like the others who have worked … Continue reading 2016-06-26 Neptune water $$meters in Michigan emit strong signals every 14 seconds. Do they here?

2016-06-21 HAM radio antenna killing smeters!!

1)    BC Hydro’s 2014-2015 financial report is available at: https://www.bchydro.com/about/accountability_reports/financial_reports/annual_reports.html If you’d like to see executives’ salaries (2014) , they are available at: http://web.archive.org/web/20160324185831/http://www.bchydro.com/content/dam/BCHydro/customer-portal/documents/corporate/accountability-reports/openness-accountability/f14-disclosure-signed-final.pdf 2)    Below in Letters is a very interesting email I got from someone in the USA re. the smeter being “killed” by his HAM radio antenna.  Worth becoming a HAM operator.  … Continue reading 2016-06-21 HAM radio antenna killing smeters!!