2021-01-26 Help requested to prevent Telus from stopping FOC on Discovery Islands

1) A few days ago, I shared an article about a woman in Halifax who received a horrendously high water bill that could not be explained [3) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-01-21-satellites-approved-for-no-canada/]. The utility claimed “smart meters do not make mistakes”. There have been many other instances of smeters resulting in abnormally and inexplicable bills for electricity and … Continue reading 2021-01-26 Help requested to prevent Telus from stopping FOC on Discovery Islands

2020-11-30 Amending CEPA

1) Please see below in Letters information about a couple of major protests being organized in March outside satellite headquarters in California and launch site in Florida. Once again, included is the ad that was placed in the San Francisco Chronicle for both Nov. 22 and Nov. 29. I have been told that if anyone … Continue reading 2020-11-30 Amending CEPA

2020-11-26 Clinical guidelines re. EHS

1) In last night’s update [1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2020-11-25-secret-meeting-re-rf-health-research/], I shared an article by Dr. Louis Slesin in “Microwave News” about a secret meeting by industry and government officials, organized by Health Canada and ISED, to discuss RF health research, with emphasis on “SECRET”. Dr. Leszczynsky, who knows the inner workings of WHO, ICNIRP, etc., is … Continue reading 2020-11-26 Clinical guidelines re. EHS

2020-10-20 Wifi on the moon.

1) A new documentary will be broadcast in France about 5G and the Phonegate scandal. I have asked Dr. Arazi when/if it will be available in Canada and if it will be, I will let you know all about it. Where are our investigative journalists? (click on photos to enlarge) “Complément d’enquête” will broadcast the … Continue reading 2020-10-20 Wifi on the moon.