2016-07-01 Another young person with brain cancer

1)    Announcement that Perry Kendall will be on the task force re. legalizing marijuana. We all know how “scientific” he is, and so open-minded to new information, too! http://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/legalizing-pot-current-situation-is-not-working-says-anne-mclellan-1.2968208 2)    From a member re. “$$mart water meters”. “Neptune water meters emit every 6-14 seconds all day. why!!!! Some are lower emissions but many are quite … Continue reading 2016-07-01 Another young person with brain cancer

2016-02-29 EU has privacy and data priorities re. “smart” things

1)    An update on the ongoing smeter and Hydro One problem in Ontario. Many people would be happy not to have time-of-use billing with much higher rates at peak times. http://blackburnnews.com/midwestern-ontario/midwestern-ontario-news/2016/02/26/hydro-prices-hurt-rural-residents-with-uncommunicative-smart-meters/ 2)    “$$mart” water meters coming to Saskatoon, but newer meters seem to be easily adapted. Some people have these meters inside their homes, and … Continue reading 2016-02-29 EU has privacy and data priorities re. “smart” things

Newsletters 2016-06 June

2016-06-01 – Smart Meters Articles & Reports & Letters 2016-06-02 – Smart Meters Articles & Reports & Audio & Website 2016-06-03 – Smart Meters Articles & Reports 2016-06-04 – The full US RF report from USA 2016-06-05 – American Cancer Society recognizes significance of NTP report. 2016-06-06 – BC Hydro admits, publicly, that it is … Continue reading Newsletters 2016-06 June

2016-04-28 Member getting anonymous harassing phone calls from BC Hydro

1) The International Journal of Impotence Research has identified cellphone radiation as a possible cause of male infertility. This has been reported by independent scientists.   http://www.nature.com/ijir/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/ijir201615a.html     2) The Vernon water meters are emitting RF signals all day every day, either every 10 seconds or every 60 seconds depending on how the meter … Continue reading 2016-04-28 Member getting anonymous harassing phone calls from BC Hydro


2016-04-30 – Do $$meters violate the Nuremberg Code? 2016-04-29  – Microwave Radiation and Autism 2016-04-28  – Member getting anonymous harassing phone calls from BC Hydro  2016-04-27– Hydro is telling installers they cannot install analogs!! 2016-04-26  – Fallacy of cost savings using off peak hours with time of use billing. 2016-04-25 – What type of wireless … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2016-04 APR

2015-12-21 Hydro’s application for amendments to the Tariff needs a careful read.

1)In Israel one of the “selling points” of their $$mart water meter is that it can tell how much water is used for what reason. “Our system determines what we call your ‘waterprint,'” he explained. The Flowless system consists of a small meter placed next to a water meter attached to the pipe, which measures … Continue reading 2015-12-21 Hydro’s application for amendments to the Tariff needs a careful read.

2015-12-18 BCUC needs to provide BC Hydro’s justification re. $700 fee

1) The list of countries going the $$mart grid route continues to grow. Why all at the same time? Can’t be a coincidence of this magnitude. Atrias Selects Accenture to Centralize Belgium’s Energy Market Data in the Cloud – Financial – December 16, 2015: – http://finchannel.com/index.php/technology/item/53258-atrias-selects-accenture-to-centralize-belgium-s-energy-market-data-in-the-cloud To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural … Continue reading 2015-12-18 BCUC needs to provide BC Hydro’s justification re. $700 fee

2015-12-14 An example of the precautionary principle being applied

1)      In Illinois, various brands of “$$mart” water meters are found to have been inaccurate, causing overbilling. “Chicago Tribune reported that the smart water meters Tinley will replace supplied by Severn Trent and Elster with the Sensus iPerl are currently being installed in at least 10 other suburbs to replace traditional mechanical meters….” “The deal … Continue reading 2015-12-14 An example of the precautionary principle being applied