2016-07-27 Segment #17 BCUC admits to there having been 24 “incidents” and maybe more. Isn’t this enough?

1)    This article about cell phones reducing sperm count and motility was circulated a few months ago but a member asked to have it sent around again because it is so important. There are many studies that have shown that sperm are dramatically affected by having cell phones kept in pockets. Remember that cell phones … Continue reading 2016-07-27 Segment #17 BCUC admits to there having been 24 “incidents” and maybe more. Isn’t this enough?

2016-07-14 Is the US government in violation of the Nuremberg Code?

1)    This info from Dr. Nagy is not the best that we’ve seen, but at least the topic of EHS is reaching more and more people – which is major.   Hopefully, this will cause many who watched this show to do some investigation on their own. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66HqGj364Y8 2)    This might reach some people who don’t … Continue reading 2016-07-14 Is the US government in violation of the Nuremberg Code?

2016-02-23 Cisco (make of the $$mart collectors) thinks BC Hydro’s program is a $ucce$$

1)    Cisco, the company that makes the collectors to which $$mart meters in the mesh grid “report” and from which it receives info/instructions from BC Hydro, uses BC Hydro as one of its “successes”. http://www.cisco.com/c/dam/m/en_us/ioe/digital-transformation-stories/digital-transformation-with-the-internet-of-everything.pdf 2)    In Arizona, utility companies want to increase fees and rates for customers using solar. This tactic certainly discourages use … Continue reading 2016-02-23 Cisco (make of the $$mart collectors) thinks BC Hydro’s program is a $ucce$$

2016-05-27 Smart Meters Articles & Reports

Coalition to Stop Smart Meters Updates will resume June 04, 2016 Short Circuit [Costs – Explosions – Itron – Legal – Safety – Quebec] Hydro-Québec replaces defective meters prone to bursting – Meters were manufactured between 2005 and 2009, installed mostly in businesses – CBC News Montreal – May 27, 2016: – http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/hydro-quebec-meters-1.360288 & HYDRO-QUÉBEC … Continue reading 2016-05-27 Smart Meters Articles & Reports

2016-01-07 Stratford, Ont. has been made into a “wired” city

Major firms are building technology to build “smarter cities and homes” using Smart meters as the basis.  Ericsson also illuminated more on its dream for smarter cities and homes…. The Swedish corporation introduced three new IoT-based services on Wednesday, pitched primarily toward communications and utility providers. One of them, dubbed Smart Metering as a Service … Continue reading 2016-01-07 Stratford, Ont. has been made into a “wired” city

2015-12-04 Smart meters replaced in Arizona after 7 years

————————————————————————— 1)      Attached  is a new paper by Dr. Olle Johansson  “Electrohypersensitivity: a functional impairment due to an inaccessible environment”, Rev Environ Health 2015; 30: 311–321. “Many times since the early 1980s I have pointed to that the public’s usage of cell phones has become the largest full-scale biological and medical experiment ever with mankind, … Continue reading 2015-12-04 Smart meters replaced in Arizona after 7 years