1) In case you missed the recent C4ST webinar, at which Dr. Magda Havas was the guest speaker, here is the video where Dr. Havas discusses ground currents.
https://1drv.ms/v/s!AjRmVMdLYvQvg6Jr3AxPrzcDHOH0SQ?e=gKp81X (55:18 min.)
Lecture 5 Ground current Pre conference EMF course
“This video is part of a 6-lecture series prepared as a pre-conference course on Electromagnetic Frequencies the was made available for Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credit. The virtual conference was the EMF Medical Conference 2021 link:
https://emfconference2021.com organized by Libby Kelley.”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPamZmlPAGw&feature=youtu.be (41:06 min.)
2) A reminder for what sounds like an important and informative webinar hosted by EHT.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Wildlife and Wireless
A Webinar on the Environmental Impacts of Electromagnetic Radiation
Presentations by Experts in Science, Policy and Law
Date: Thursday May 4, 2023
Time: 1:00 PM EST, 10:00 AM PST
“New wireless networks – including cell towers and small cells mounted on utility poles – are being erected in national parks, wilderness areas, and urban and suburban ecosystems increasing ambient levels of nonionizing radiofrequency radiation.”
3) I shared information about this South Korean study in my March 14 and 16 updates, which Dr. Arazi is circulating via his network and through a Press Release. It’s important information — so here it is again in case you missed it.
A scientific study notices increase in brain tumors in South Korea and correlates it with cell phone use
“An epidemiological study has recently been carried out by researcher Jinyoung Moon*, with the aim of establishing a potential correlation between the exposure of the population to radiation emitted by mobile phones and the observed increase in certain types of brain tumors in South Korea. The results, published in early March 2023 in Environmental Research journal, confirm the international trend seen in other countries such as France, with a fourfold increase in 30 years in glioblastomas (the most serious cancers of the brain).”
“In the United States, non-malignant meningiomas of the brain are also increasing. To learn more about the possible links with the use of cell phones See Dr. Joel Moskowitz’s article”
The Incidence of Meningioma, a Non-Malignant Brain Tumor, is Increasing in the U.S.
Residents of Hornby Island, BC are fighting another Rogers cell tower. More information about it is available in this update: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2023-03-29-strong-eloquent-opposition-to-cell-tower-on-hornby-island/

Hello Hornby residents, friends and allies,
Those wishing to contribute toward stopping cell towers and restoring the democratic process on our corporate-assaulted islands, can now donate to our First Credit Union account at:
While the CRHI account is held in Union Bay, anyone can make an in-person deposit at either the Hornby or Union Bay branch. Just use this account number:
While our lawyer, Carla Conkin, prepares a detailed Legal Opinion on which future actions by all island communities can be lawfully based, we are inviting other VISTA members to contribute whatever they can toward our anticipated legal fees of $3,800.*
E-transfers can be made to: standupdonations@gmx.com
Our next steps involve alerting our email list, and producing a flier for Hornby residents.
More on this tomorrow,
CRHI: Concerned Residents of Hornby Island
VISTA: Vancouver Island Safe Tech Alliance
*With Carla having generously reduced her rate from $300 to $200/hr. and West Coast Environmental Law’s “Access to Justice Program” partially funding this Stage 1 work — our fees are just over $82/hr. plus taxes.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“Nature is the source of all true knowledge. She has her own logic, her own laws, she has no effect without cause or invention without necessity.” Leonardo da Vinci
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.